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Newspaper Archive of
Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
Alma, Kansas
October 3, 2002     Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
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October 3, 2002
Newspaper Archive of Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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In The County ~rise 19, pub- September and Thursday, 3, 2002) the Second District COURT COUNTY, "AmSAS Matter of the Es- D. FISCHER Case No. 0 I-P-09 HEARING FOR of Kansas To hereby notified has been filed 12, 2002, in by Brian D. of the Es- D. Fischer, araying for a final of the estate, ap- acts, proceed- accounts as ex- for attor- a~ld expenses, de- of the heirs, de- legatees entitled and assignment accordance with D. Fischer, are hereby I'fie your written on or before day of October, 10:00 a.m. on such court, in the in Wabaunsee Which time and cause will be you fail and decree in due course FISCHER Petitioner STEWART, Law 66604-1106 85) 233-7428 233-7518 -" County Signal- Thursday, 19, 2002; tly published ~tember 26, Thursday, 3, 2002 PUBLIC SALE given that James D. d/b/a Blue will offer for and will sell to bidder for cash the purpose of storage and thereon the Otor vehicle at ra Auto, 107 Kansas on of October 2002 PU VIN reserves at said sale. D. Diepenbrock Owner THE :EDS The for (First Published In The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise Thursday, September 19, 2002; subsequently pub- fished Thursday, September 26, 2002, and Thursday, October 3, 2002) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS In the Matter of the Es- tate of LUTHER G.. WRIGHT Case No. 02-P-28 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CON- CERNED: You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in this Court by Luther W. Wright, an heir of Luther G. Wright, deceased, praying: Descent be determined of the following described real estate situated in Wabaun- see County, Kansas: An undivided one-half (1/2) interest in Lot Four (4), Block Twelve (12) being a portion of the platted section of what is known as Wa- baunsee County State Park, as of record in Book C of the plat records of Wabaunsee County, Kansas as shown in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County and State. And all personal property and other Kansas real estate owned by decedent at the time of death. And that such property and all personal property and other Kansas real estate owned by the de- cedent at the time of death be assigned pursuant to the laws of intestate succession. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before October 11, 2002, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the District Court', Alma, Wabaunsee County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the peti- tion. LUTHER W. WRIGHT Petitioner MICHAEL CLUTTER #7265 Clutter & Aadalen, LLP 2201 S.W. 29m Street Suite 100 Topeka, KS 66611 Telephone: (785) 266-5121 Facsimile: (785) 266-2116 Attorneys for Petitioner (First Published In The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise Thursday, September 19, 2002; subsequently pub- fished Thursday, September 26, 2002, and Thursday, October 3, 2002) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS In the Matter of the Es- tate of ROBERT F. WRIGHT Case No. 02-P-26 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CON- CERNED: You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in this Court by Luther W. Wright, an heir of Robert F. Wright, deceased, praying: Descent be determined of the following described real estate situated in Wabaun- see County, Kansas: Lots Three (3) and Four (4), Block Ten D (10-D) being a portion of the platted sec- tion of what is known as Wabaunsee County State Park And all personal property and other Kansas real estate owned by decedent at the The Wabaunsee time of death. And that such property and all personal property and other Kansas real estate owned by the de- cedent at the time of death be assigned pursuant to the laws of intestate succession. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before October 11, 2002, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the District Court, Alma, Wabaunsee County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the peti- tion. LUTHER W. WRIGHT Petitioner MICHAEL CLUTTER #7265 Clutter & Aadalen, LLP 2201 S.W. 29ta Street Suite 100 Topeka, KS 66611 Telephone: (785) 266-5121 Facsimile: (785) 266-2116 Attorneys for Petitioner (First Published In The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise Thursday, September 26, 2002; subsequently pub- lished Thursday, October 3, 2002, and Thursday, October 10, 2002) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS CIVIL COURT DEPARTMENT COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., Plaintiff V. RAYMOND D. ROBERTS and ADDA J. ROBERTS, husband and wife; JOSEPH I. WITTMAN; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS, Defendants. Title to Real Estate In- volved PURSUANT TO K.S.A. CHAPTER 60 Case No. 02C28 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TO WHOM IT MAY CON- CERN: By virtue of an order of Sale issued to me out of the said District Court in the above-entitled action, I will on the 17m day of October, 2002, at 10 o'clock a.m. on said date, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of Alma, Wabaunsee County, Kansas, the following de- scribed real estate situated in Wabaunsee County, Kan- sas, to wit: West Half of North Twenty Feet (Wl/2 N 20') of Lot 37 and the West Half (W I/2) of Lots 39, 41, and 43, on Paxico Avenue; West Half (W 1/2) of Lots 31, 33. 35 on Paxico Avenue; and West Half of South Five Feet (WI/2 $5~ of Lot 37 on Paxico Avenue all in the City of Paxico, Wabaunsee County, Kansas, commonly known as 214 Newbury Ave., Paxico, KS 66526 The above-described real estate is taken as property of the defendant(s}, Raymond D. Roberts and Adda J. Rob- erts, and is directed by said Order of Sale to be sold and will be sold without ap- praisement to satisfy said Order of Sale. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. SHERIFF OF WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS By: Jeff A. VanZandt VANZANDT & ASSOCIATES, CHTD. Page 23 County Signal-Enterprlse, Thursday, October 3, 2002 260 North Rock Road, Suite 200 Wichita, Kansas 67206 Attorney for Plaintiff (First Published In The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise Thursday, September 26, 2002; subsequently pub- fished Thursday, October 3, 2002, and Thursday, October 10, 2002) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS In the Matter of the Es- tate of James Douglas Spencer, deceased a/k/a James D. Spencer, a/k/a J.D. Spencer, deceased Case No. 01 P 43 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CON- CERNED: You are hereby notified that a Petition has been fried in this Court by Mary Reed Spencer, duly appointed, qualified and acting Admin- istrator (C.T.A. with the Will Annexed of the Estate of James D. Spencer, deceased, praying, Petitioner's acts be approved; account be settled and allowed; the heirs be determined; the Will be con- strued and the Estate be assigned to the persons en- tiffed thereto; the Court finds the allowances requested for attorney's and guardian ad litem's fees and expenses are reasonable and should be allowed; the costs be deter- mined and ordered paid; the administration of the Estate be closed; upon the f'fling of receipts the Petitioner be finally discharged as the Ex- ecutor of the Estate of James D. Spencer, deceased, and the Petitioner be released from further liability. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 23rd day of October, 2002, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. in the District Court in Alma, Wabaunsee County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered upon due course upon the Petition. Mary Reed Spencer Administrator (C.T.A.) with the Will Annexed Gary F. Conklin #06030 Attorney for Administrator 108 North Second Street Westmoreland, KS 66549 (785) 457-3621 SEEDS | FROM THE ® SOWER I ollowing the Lord is a hard life. There's nothing easy or sissy about it. One who followed Him bravely met with an accident, and just before he went home to heaven he said to his father, "Tell the brethren, wherever you meet them, to stand up for Jesus." Inspired by those dying words, a man of God wrote the song, "Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross; lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss." Few can be famous, but all can be faithful. Few can be stars, but all can stand up for the Lord. Dare you? Sweet, Delicious Treats With Less Calories (NAPS)--Snacking on sweet treats like ice cream and flavored ice "pops" traditionally doesn't fit into the diet of those who are try- ing to watch what they eat (e.g., for weight loss or for other health reasons like diabetes). However, thanks to new products--such as low-calorie alternatives to sugar-- healthier snacking options are now available. One of the more recent exam- ples is sucralose, which is mar- keted under the brand name SPLENDA. What makes this partic- ular product unique is that sucra- lose is made from natural sugar-- the molecular structure has been modified slightly, so the body doesn't recognize it as sugar. As a result, it has no calories and fewer carbohydrates than sugar. "SPLENDA opens up a whole new world of possibilities for people who want to enjoy an indulgent treat with less calories," according to Maureen E. Conway, MDA, MA, RD of McNeil Nutritionals. "Be- cause it is made from sugar, it tastes like sugar." "More and more, consumers are interested in making smart food choices," says Dave Smetter of Wells' Dairy, Inc., makers of Blue Bunny ice cream. "Thanks to prod- ucts like SPLENDA, ice cream and novelties can now be considered as snack options for those people who want to control their caloric, carbo- • hydrate and fat intake." Companies like Blue Bunny have addressed the trend toward healthier snacking by using SPLENDA in a variety of frozen treats. The new ice creams, pack- aged ice cream cones and fruit-fla- vored pops not only taste great, but they're also a smart snack choice for people who are trying to watch what they eat. Consider: The average haJf- cup serving of vanilla ice cream contains 210 calories, 15 grams of fat and 40 milligrams of choles- terol. On the other hand, a simi- lar serving of Blue Bunny Fat Free/No Sugar Added with SPLENDA ice cream has just 80 to 100 calories, no fat and less than five milligrams of cholesterol. The company's Fat Free/No Sugar Added ice creams come in six flavors, including Mint Fudge Swirl and Caramel Toffee Crunch. Reduced Fat/No Sugar Added ice cream is available in seven fla- vors, including Banana Split, Cherry Vanilla and Butter Pecan. Blue Bunny has also incorpo- rated the sweetener into a line of water ice novelties. Sugar Free Bomb Pops, Sweet Freedom Citrus Lites and Sweet Freedom Sugar Free Pops are fat-free, light in calories and available in a freezer- full of flavors, including Lemon, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Tangerine, Orange, Banana, Strawberry and Cherry. To learn more, visit the Web sites at and w,,'w ~n[onda.eom. New ice cream products are now available that are lower in fat, calories and carbohydrates than traditional ice cream.