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Newspaper Archive of
Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
Alma, Kansas
October 3, 2002     Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
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October 3, 2002
Newspaper Archive of Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 cents for each additional word, Payment in advance aired. An additional charge of 50¢ will be added costs. Phone 785-765-3327. e is 10 a.m. Tuesday J GODDESS Eskrldge, Is 6-1sh - 9 p.m.and 9 a.m. 2 p.m. Items and vintage You can be your self this Also, wizards, fairies, oh myl 3-1t FDR SALE very $60. 785-449- 3-It excellent gray, green, E plaid, $300; NTERTAINMENT good condition, 3-1t SOFTNER and CHEW. dual- Call 765-3908. 3-1t " Six week old, 3/4 Retriever, 1/4 great, gentle $2O.OO. 3-1tp DELTA 88 4 door. Call 3-2t TO BUY ELECTRIC 449-2205. 3- ltp & ESTATE bROOM APART- RENT. Available Ist. Alma Sr. Call 765-3707 or 49-tf Pax|co Housing 011e bedroom senior available ~trletions apply. handl - Ec Op- If inter- 77 and for Jara Lan- 35-ff TRUCK STOP FULL TIME Benefits IK, vacation pay, and on-the- Apply in person 341 on 1-70, 3-5t ~E EAST USD ACCEPTING FOR A Position [iately. Submit to USD .'t Office, 2nd & 158, Eskridge, Phone 785-449- 3-2t I'IEALTH AIDE now available. may be made at Health Dept., 66401. Wab. Co. is an Equal Opportunity 2-2t THE 'SIFIEDS newborn all advantages of a loving home/family. Expenses paid. Thank and God bless. Lina/Anthony: 1-866-249- 1699. 3-1tp Page 21 The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002 ...................................... Xpress. 866-540-5995. 3-1tp swap meet, car auction Sat., ADOPTION: LOVING, SECURE ...................................... arts & crafts & more. In!o: COUPLE desires to give Drivers - Owner Operators and913-328-RACE. 3-lip Company Drivers welcome. - ..................................... Several new contracts require SPECIAL NOTICE us to expand our fleet and ...................................... grow our family. Too many $1000/WEEKLY Possible mail- benefits to possibly list. Alling brochures from homel No ..................................... Freight Systems, Kansas City, experience necessary! Free 800-377-7575. 3-1tp In!o! Call 1-800-749-5782 x ...................................... Drivers - NO EXI>? Low or No 540 (24 hrs.) 3-1tp ...................................... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WABAUNSEE EAST USD ...................................... #330 IS ACCEPTING /UP- A+ M&M MARS/NESTLE PLICATIONS FOR A FULL VENDING ROUTE. Unique TIME CUSTODIAN at the machine. Great opportunityt Mission Valley Middle School Prime locations available in Harveyville, Kansas. Posi- nowl Excellent profit tion open immediately, potential. Investment required Submit written application to $10K and under. Toll free 1- USD #330 District Office, 2nd 888-333-2254. 3-lip & Oak, P.O. Box 158, Eskridge,- ..................................... KS 66423. Phone 785-449- NEED WORKERS FROM 2282. 2-2t HOME. Minimal cost $150. Can be in profit first day. ...................................... Earn weekly $$$$$1-866-206- WABAUNSEE COUNTY 9069, ext. 5230. 3-1tp ROAD & BRIDGE IS TAKING ...................................... APPLICATIONS FOR A EDUCATIONAL FULL-TIME POSITION. Suc- _ ..................................... cessful applicants should have a valid CDL. Work week is 40 hours. Drug and alcohol test- ing is a pre-requisite to em- ployment, For an application, contact the Wabaunsee County Engineer's Office at the Court- house in Alma, Kansas 66401. 785-765-3432. Applications will be accepted through Octo- MISSOURI WELDING INSTI- TUTE INC. Nevada, Missouri. Become a Certified Pipe and Structural Welder. Earn top pay in 18 weeks. Many com- panies seek our graduates. 1- 800-667-5885. 3-1tp ...................................... FINANCIAL Cost CDL Training Available. Meals, lodging and trans- portation provided. Tuition Reimbursement, $1000 Bonusl OTR, Regional, Dedicated Freight. 1-800-284-8785. 3-1tp ...................................... Drivers/Students Needed Im- mediately. CDL Training available through USTDS In Denver, CO. Financing transportation, housing and tuition reimbursement avail- able. Call Carmen at 1-866- 268-7854 for details. 3-1tp ...................................... LEGAL SOCIAL SECURITY DISABIL- ITY CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders, Attorneys at Law. INVESTMENT ONLY, NOT A JOB. A COMPLETE TURN KEY VEND. ROUTE. i0 Machines $3495. Plus Est. Coke/Pepsi/Poland Spring, Frito-Lay Route $9995. (888)922-2822 AIN#02-004. 3-1tp ...................................... KANSANS READ THE CLAS- SIFIEDSI ADVERTISE in 142 newspaper statewidel ONLY $250/25 words, $10/extra word. Contact this newspaper or Kansas Press, 785-271- 5304, 3-1tp No recovery, no feel 1-800- 259-8548. 3- Itp ...................................... SAVE OVER $2000111 2x2 Dis- play Ad Network, Advertise in 140 Newspapers Across Kansas for $750. Contact this newspaper or Kansas Press 785-271-5304. 3-1tp ber 4, 2002. 2-2t ...................................... available for Home equity. CUSTODIAL POSITION: USD Consolidation, Business. 329 Mill Creek Valley is seek- Good/Bad credit. Bankruptcy ing applicants for custodial OK. No fees. Toll free 866-445- positions in Alma. The posi- 9348. 3-1tp tions will normally be "swing- _ ..................................... shift" with hours running from 2 p.m. - 11 p.m. daily. We are seeking applicants who take great pride in their work and workmanship. Job de- scrlptlons and applications may be picked up at the USD 329 district office, 910 Ohio, Alma, KS 66401. For more in- formation, contact Randy Rivers at 765-3394. 2-2t ...................................... PART-TIME HANDYMAN: USD 329 Mill Creek Valley Is ......................................MEDICAL Need a 100K right away"? $$$ ...................................... - ..... STEE'L'-B{JILDINGS ...... FOR SALE Buchman Performance Foun- dation Quarter Horse-Palnt Sale, Oct. 12, Alta Vista, Kansas. 20 riding horses, 60 weanllngs, "The Cowboys Kind", Picture Catalog, 785- 499-6894. 3- I tp ...................................... HELP WANTED vent, Comb|vent, Serevent, Azmacort, Flovent and others. Having Difficulty? Breathe EasyAgain. Medicare covered liquid therapy may be avail- able if you qualify. MED-A- SAVE 1-800-224-1919 ext. KS3502. 3-1tp IDEAL GIFTS by FRIENDLY Openings for party plan MEDICARE PATIENTS USING FOR SALE INHALERS. Albuterol, Atro- - ..................................... All Steel Bui|dingst! 24' wide to 75' wide. Price everyone else then call usl Major Credit Cards Accepted! 1-800-825- 0316. Worldwide Building Sales. 3- Itp Steel Buildings. Commercial, ...................................... Ag, RESORTS/VACATION ...................................... Resorts/Vacation Property. GOT A TIMESHARE OR CAMPGROUND MEMBER- SHIP? We'll take iU America's Largest Clearinghouse. SELL- ING * BUYING * RENTING. Call World Wide Vacations at 1- Residential. No high pressure salesl 30x40x10 $5,575.00; 30x60x12 $7,199.99; 40x60x14 $9,360.00; 50x100x14 $14,735.00. Other specials available. 15 colors. 866-875-8790 Toll Free, 3-1tp ...................................... seeking applicants for a "part- time" (up to 20 hours per week) handyman. We are seeking applicants with skill In plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and carpentry. The position's advisors. Call about our 800-423-5967. 3-1tp fantastic NEW Manager ...................................... Program. Decor, Gifts, Toys, SPECIAL EVENT Christmas, Cash, Trips ....................................... Recognition. 1-800-488-4875. Goodguys 1st Midwestern Nationals. Oct. 11-13, Kansas hours will be flexible and ne- 3-1tp got|able. We are seeking appli ....................................... cants who take great pride in Looking for a job in journal- their workmanship and craftsmanship. Applications may be picked up at the USD 329 district office, 910 Ohio, Alma, KS 66401, For more in- formation, contact Randy Ism? Visit our web site at for the lat- est opportunities in advertis- ing, marketing, circulation, reporting and management at Kansas newspapers. 3-1tp Rivers at 765-3394. 2-2t ...................................... ..................................... HELP WANTED HELP WANTED - Responsible PART TIME person to work at Stop 2 Shop ...................................... in Alma. Call 785-765-3500 Kansas Army National Guaxd and ask for Tamzen. 51-tf - P/T positions available. Get ...................................... skills to put your career on HOME DECORATING Lagergren Interiors Your source for professional wallpapering, painting (including decorative and faux finishes), entire house deco- rating, or any project you would like to update, improve or just make beautiful. Other services include ceramic tiling by Dancing Horse Design. "Making Houses into Homes", Dawn Lagergren, 765-2505. 49-tf track. We offer free training, college money, steady pay. 1- 800-432-2447. 3- Itp ...................................... HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVER DRIVER COVENANT TRANSPORT - Now offering Per Diem Pay for experience teams, solos and trainers. O/O - Solos/Teams 83¢. No CDL, no problem. We school with financing available for those who qualify. Authorized by ...................................... the Communications For more information call toll-free 1-800-ENJOY-TV tart enjoying complete television entertainment today! TN Higher Education Commission. Call 1-888- MORE-PAY. (1-888-667-3729) 3-1tp ...................................... Drivers - start up to 37¢/mi. Plenty of milesl Great benefits and equipmentl 94% no touch~ Teams welcomeI Gainey Transportation, 800-287-0376. 3-1tp ...................................... DRIVERS DRIVE WITH XCELLENCEI Flatbed and Vans. Company Drivers and Owner Operators. $2,500 SIGN ON BONUSI Expanding freight lanes!!II Call Smithway, Motor Speedway, Kansas City, KS. Over 2,000 rods, customs and classics thru '72, exhibits, imSllllllllll | | | | l | STE EL ROOFING/BUILDING MATERIALS. Galvanized Steel starting @ $32 square, painted @ $42. Call for catalog. Western Metal - Kansas. Hays 1-800-770-2725: Louisburg 1- 800-489-4100. Statewide delivery available. 3-1tp l HIRING DRIVERS! ==q | | 1 "CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS MAYAPPLY No HMOs Please Lnanaialalmllllma IF YOU HAVE MEDICARE OR PRIVATE INSURANCE YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO | RECEIVE YOUR DIABETIC SUPPLIESAT | LITTLE OR NO COST! | FOR INFORMATION, CALL EASYACCESS MEDICAL SUPPLY, INC WE ALSO CARRY NEBULIZER MEDICATION & IMPOTENCE PRODUCTS I |