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The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002
Smart Choices For Day's Most Important Meal - I
(NAPS)--As Americans' waist- In addition, there is some indica-
lines continue to expand, it's tion that people who don't eat
i ,~ A'" \\t~-'-~ ~ I
essential to address the "heavy" breakfast may not make up essen- ~-~-D2-: ~i~--P~, j]J~.~
issue of eating habits. From the tial nutrients in the meals they
first meal of the day to the last, eat later in the day.
people often fall into the trap of But sometimes we have no
making the wrong choices. Too time to sit down for breakfast.
many people skip breakfast and Luckily, there are some delicious,
end up eating oversized portions on-the-go breakfast options avail-
later, and selecting foods that don't able to help us recharge in the
provide a lot of nutritional value, morning. Slim ° Fast Chewy Gra-
"One of the biggest obstacles to nola Meal Bars, for example, are
weight loss, or even just maintain-
ing weight, is misjudging portion designed to help you achieve 100
sizes. In fact, studies show that percent of essential nutrients such
about 30 percent of people signifi- as calcium and 21 other vitamins
cantly underestimate the number and minerals.
of calories in the foods they eat," "With delicious rolled oats and
says Elizabeth DeRobertis, R.D., a chewy texture, Slim*Fast
nutritionist for Slim*Fast Foods Chewy Granola Meal Bars are
Company. "Another common mis- perfect for breakfast. And they're
take people make is skipping portion- and calorie-controlled, so
breakfast." they eliminate the guesswork and
Even though most healthcare provide an easy way for busy peo-
professionals recommend break- ple to get plenty of vitamins and
fast, up to 40 percent of Ameri- minerals while managing their
cans continue to skip it, reports a weight," says DeRobertis.
study commissioned by Ohio State In addition to starting the day
University. Eating breakfast curbs with a nutritionally balanced
breakfast and selecting smart
mid-morning hunger and can help
reduce overeating later in the day. choices at other meals throughout
Breakfast is an important way
to get the day off to a good start.
the day, it's important to incorpo-
rate the basic elements of a
healthy lifestyle--portion-con-
trolled snacking to reduce hunger,
water and exercise. Following
these fundamental tenets can help
whittle a waistline in no time.
(Published In The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002)
The Board of Education of Unified School District No. 320, Pottawatomie County, Kansas
(Wamego) (the ~District"), has heretofore, pursuamt to resolution duly adopted, declared it advis-
able to (a) construct, equip and furnish {i) additions to the existing Wamego High School building,
including a new gymnasium, an expanded cafeteria and expanded science labs and classrooms,
(ii) renovations to the existing Wamego High School building, including new restrooms, a new
library suite, a new computer lab, Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility measures and
additional parking areas, (iii) renovations to the existing auto shop building at Wamego High
School for use as a music education building, (iv) an addition to the existing West Elementary
School building, including a new gymnasium, a new performance stage, a new library/media
center, a new computer lab, new music and art' classrooms and a new office suite, and (v) reno-
vations to the existing West Elementary School building, including remodeling the existing gym-
nasium to a cafeteria, the existing cafeteria and office space to classrooms and the existing media
center to a student service area; and (b) make all other necessary improvements appurtenant
thereto, all in the District {the =Project") at an estimated cost of $17,128,800. Notice is hereby
given to the qualified electors of the District that a bond election has been called and will be held
on November 5, 2002, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the district the
following proposition:
Shall the following be adopted?
Shall Unified School District No. 320, Pottawatomie County, Kansas C~Vamego), issue general
obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $16,940,000 to pay the estimated $17,128,800 costs
to (a) construct, equip and furnish (i) additions to the existing Warnego High School building, in-
cluding a new gymnasium, an expanded cafeteria and expanded science labs and classrooms, (ii)
renovations to the existing Wamego High School building, including new restrooms, a new library
suite, a new computer lab, Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility measures and additional
parking areas, (iii) renovations to the existing auto shop building at Wamego High School for use
as a music education building, (iv) an addition to the existing West Elementary School building,
including a new gymnasium, a new performance stage, a new library/media center, a new com-
puter lab, new music and art classrooms and a new office suite, and (v) renovations to the exist-
ing West Elementary School building, including remodeling the existing gymnasium to a cafeteria,
the existing cafeteria and office space to classrooms and the existing media center to a student
service area; and (b) make all other necessary improvements appurtenant thereto, all in the Dis-
trict; all pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 10-101 et seq.; K.S.A. 25-2018(0; and K.S.A. 72-
67617 The balance of the costs shall be paid from investment earnings on Bond proceeds.
To vote in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word
=Yes'. To vote against it, darken the oval to the left of the word =No".
c> No
The polls Will open at 7:00 o'clock a.m. and will close at 7:00 o'clock p.m. on November 5,
2002, the election day.The voting places in the District, and the area each voting place Will
serve, will be as follows:
Voters Residing In Will Vote At
Belvue Precinct Belvue Fellowship Hall
Center Precinct Harold Tessendorf Residence
Louisville Precinct Louisville Gym
St. George Precinct (Rural) Black Jack Legion Building
Union Precinct Union Township Center
Wamego City (East Ward) Wam6go Area Sr./Community Center
Wamego City (West Ward) N. of Sixth Street St. Bernard's Parish Hall
Wamego City {West Ward) S. of Sixth Street First Baptist Church
Wamego Township Precinct Bible Baptist Church
Riley County Voters in USD 320
Zeandale Township Zeandale Community Center
Wabaunsee County Voters in USD 320
Kaw Township Kaw Township Building
Wabaunsee Township George Thompson Christian Center
The election will be conducted by the officers and/or persons provided by law for holding elec-
tions, and the method of voting will be by ballot. Registered voters are eligible to vote by advance
voting ballot upon application to the County Clerk set forth below pursuant to K.S.A. 25-1117 et
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of Pottawatomie County
this 26t~ day of September 2002.
s/Susan Figge, Election Officer
Pottawatomie County, Kansas
New Research Shows Shift in Cooling
(NAPS)--When it conies to car
care, many people are starting to
take advantage of easy-to-use,
reliable products that save time. If
you don't already, you may want
to. These products will help you
avoid having to sacrifice certain
maintenance routines, or cause
you to carry them out improperly
because you're in a hurry, which
in the long run can leac~ to unnec-
essary repair bills and frustration.
Prestone Products, which has
been manufacturing antifreeze/ When topping
coolant for 75 years, conducted ing system,
extensive consumer user studies antifreeze/cools"
and found that a clear trend is help maxim!iza p
emerging when it comes to cooling against freeze-ups,
system maintenance. Contrary to corrosion, clogging
popular belief, 73 percent of those
interviewed said that they
purchase antifreeze/coolant for cise original fill
merely topping off and are not buy- recommended by
ing the product to flush and fill manufacturers
their vehicles, for proper cooling
"Topping off is a great way to nance--50 percent
maintain your cooling system in centrate for
between flush and fills, which are rosion protection,
recommended every two years or de-mineralized
24,000 miles (when using conven- heat transfer.
tional antifreeze/coolant), but only ing your
if you're doing it properly," com- money on costly
ments Richard Courtney, Director result from
of Prestone Products Research & care. For
Development and Technical Ser- Prestone Quick
vices. "Did you know that adding
too much water causes the cooling replace a
system to lose its ability to fight than $200 (ine
off corrosion and clogging, and too labor).
much antifreeze/coolant concen- Man~
trate causes the cooling system to cles are made
lose its ability to transfer the nec- aluminum. These~
essary amount of heat away from thinner cooling
the engine?" more cooling fins
If you didn't, you're not alone, tubes, making it
According to Prestone's research, not properly
an alarming 37 percent of those off regularly
who do top off are either pouring formula, as we
straight antifreeze or straight flush and fill
Water into their radiator or over- will help your
flow tank instead of the recom- form at optimum
mended 50 percent water and 50 tect against
percent antifreeze/coolant concen- corrosion,
trate mixture, pump damage. ~.
"Not using the proper blend of "Avoid becoml!
these two liquids doesn't end UP says Courtney.
saving you time or money," contin- American
ues Courtney, who strongly recom- year stuck in
mends motorists use a formula hours a little
made specifically for topping off making any
their cooling system like the all- neglected cooling
new Prestone® Quick Fill" Anti- candidate for
freeze/Coolant. Its ready-to-use advantage of
formula ensures that the vehicle's designed to help
cooling system maintains the pre- run properly
Steering Kids Toward Government
by Patricia McGinnis tember 11, 2001 and
(NAPS)--Like every parent, I
often talk with my kids about what
they want to do when they "grow
up." During these career conversa-
tions, I remind them of something
that too few parents
realize...their Uncle
Sam needs
answer the call to
public service.
It's been more
than 40 years since
!President John F.
McGinnis Kennedy challenged
young people to "ask not what
your country can do for you, but
what you can do for your country."
There's reason to think about pub-
lic service as a career option right
now: Those who answered that
call are retiring, and a new gener-
ation of the "best and brightest" is
needed to keep our democracy
That's why it's so important for
the next generation to step up to
the plate. But, according to re-
search conducted by the Council
for Excellence in Government, the
relief bench looks empty.
The federal workforce is facing
an unprecedented crisis. By 2005,
more than half of federal workers
(some 900,000 employees) will be
eligible for retirement. Many of
them are senior managers, and as
a result, we risk losing an enor-
mous amount of practical knowl-
edge and institutional memory.
It's not just the government
workforce that is in peril. Accord-
ing to a recent national .youth poll
we conducted, young people feel
more positive about voting and
politici as a direct result of Sep
terrorism. But
these events
their behavior.
voting, volunteering'
running for office
We were
that 40
ple we
of a governmen
intriguing. That's
The bad news Is
said that nobody
them to even
government. The
percent said that
consider a public
a parent asked
And that's whY
ents to ask their
in the local City.
Congress in
fire house,
White House.
a career in
opportunity to,
to have a lot
to meet all kin&
are jobs
ence in
So please, do
otic: Talk to
ting involved.
this: If we are
must ask our
and CEO of the
lence in
more, visit the