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Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
Alma, Kansas
October 3, 2002     Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
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October 3, 2002
Newspaper Archive of Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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an By: Patty McQueen I'm going to other similar been uttered by over the including They're talking Valley Blue- Imagine my I found out it me many this year. Were to travel to a friend was visit- Then we Our German Girl be in Winfield on Only weekend we We were lantern light our friend could way from Ger- we could do Winfieldt I picked and asked to ray girlfriend and our We arrived after evening, meeting Un the Wal-Mart so she could lead 103 years ago and ten miles south, the land rush begins as camper's race to stake their claims[ After a little more than four hours sleep, I was greeted with a hearty "Good Morning Sunshine'. I glared at my friend who let out an evil laugh. Stepping outside our tent, I discovered I was in an ocean of metal, canvas and nylon[ The official numbers are generally no higher than 15,000 guests. Clearly the promoter would be kicking in extra to the City of Winfield utilities in 2002[ The weather couldn't have been more perfect for the ac- tual days of the Festival, but earlier in the week, a substan- tial amount of rain had fallen. Draped across the entrance to one campsite was a banner that read, "Shut up and CAMP, they explainedY Scheduled performers were on from 10 a.m. to midnight at the four main stages. A more liberal schedule was found at the three campground stages. Then there were the im- promptu gigs at campsites and along the roads. Everywhere being aston- you turned, someone had a ago when my sis- fiddle, or a washboard, or how she suc- spoons! It was an amazing her teenage step- weekend of music and fellow- and allowed ship. at a drive-in the trunk of her I awoke at 8 a.m. Sunday :krtow how she did morning in a sleep-deprived on my shoulder stupor to the sound of a diesel saying tractor put-putting by our Weren't raised like tent. A well meaning but very loud Mason was yelling, knocked "COFFEE AND DONUTS~. We threw the rolled out of our sleeping bags I don't recom- and packed up to leave. an ample 46- Parking the van had re- onto the back- quired dropping down a nar- Jeep. Or any row incline past three vehicles that matter! and taking a hard left. De- record, we re- parting required a reversal oi llay van after mid- that process. Please don't be- Paid the two-day lieve that hysterical man's story about some crazy woman County Fair- in a van hitting the port-a- Winfield, Kansas potty he was using. I only one week prior brushed it with my side mir- Just as it was ror! lk Dust Barbara Rowley Box 85 Eskddge, KS 66423 the hill, you pick I visited Carla i Tope.ka Monday. • Wilderness living, hack track at the Sehwarting place had felled a attended School volleyball Tuesday eve- and Junior ready to ex- and other morning in ~lorrLin~ we Hobbs in the Hospital. We very long but a on her, Pastor and Dr. Frese. could return to Center. We Hobbs and re- news to him. visited us and brought Giles game at Cheered for Matt Geisler and Country Saturday evening at Emmanuel Church. Duane and Deb Kay Andres emceed and Pastor Shirley had a story with a message. All well presented and well re- ceived by people from sur- rounding areas as well as near by. Dean Swenson, Virginia Shaw, Carl and l were there from Chalk. We claim Vir- gin/a, but actually she drives out from Emporia. Next week we are looking forward to hearing Norma and Wally Ingmire from Council Grove. Hopefully you are also. A very wise man at Satur- day's service told me "we shouldn~ worry about what people think about us - as they seldom do." Aren't Harris and Vada fun to talk to! One thing we discussed was how fortunate Simpson and Em- manuel have been in our ministers. Harris and I agreed we need to keep Shirley for- ever, as we are getting too old to train a new pastor. Sunday Giles Schrader enjoyed the Spring Creek Mul- ligan Stew. Wilma Clark Core is in Newman Hospital in Emporia receiving chemotherapy. Best wishes to her. I'm sure she would enjoy hearing from friends. Page 19 The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprlse, Thursday, October 3, 2002 WHS & MVHS SPORTS UPDATE As submitted by coaches WHS Volleyball. Overall record: 4-6 League Record: 2-4 WHS vs St. Marys The Varsity Lady Chargers lost the first match to St. Marys 8-15, 10-15. The Chargers fell to St. Marys in the second match also, 15-5, 8-15, 8-15. Top performers were Valerie Ebert, 18 kills, 36 digs, 2 blocks; Kayla Oney, 5 kills, 30 digs, 1 block; Kelsey Hendricks, 7 kills, 11 digs, 3 blocks, 17 assists; Kodi Ginavan 5 kills, 34 digs, 4 blocks; and Rachel Yancey 5 kills, 9 blocks. The JV team lost their match to St. Marys 15-13, I0-15, 13-15. The freshman team won against St. Marys 10-15, 15-7, 15-7. "Physically we played hard, especially in the second match. However, our mental toughness against talented teams continues to plague us. We're taking small steps in improving in this area, and hopefully, we'll peak at the right time during the season. I'm proud of the kids for competing and being ready to play," commented Coach Amy Schutter. WHS Cross Country. Jason McKinney Invitational Cross Country at WHS - Thursday, September 26 The Wabaunsee home course has a reputation as one of the toughest in the area, but several young runners found it to their liking. Michelle Stuewe from Olpe and Andy Fenton of Jackson Heights both set course records with their individual efforts. Michelle turned in a time of 11:55 for the girls' 2-mile course, and Andy ran the boys' 3.1-mile course in 16: 15. Stuewe let the Olpe girls' team to victory, but Fenton couldn't get his group past the Wabaun- see Pack. Wabaunsee scored 4, 7, 11, 14, 16 with their "kicker" at 17 for the low score and the win at 44 points. Coach Charles Gann was well pleased with his young team (Gabe Zeller was the only scoring senior) for grabbing six of the varsity medals available. Coach Gann commented on the score, "That low score is the result of having a closely matched scoring group. It's like having a balanced attack in basketball. All five scorers and the non-scoring "kicker" were only one minute apart, but that wouldn't count for much except that they are all top quality runners. When your "kicker" (kind of like a bench) scores a medal you know you've done well." Scorers were Michael Heigert, Brian Boeckman, Michael Hatfield, Gabe Zeller, and Jacob Terrell respectively. Dustin Sievers was the medalling "kickerL Coach added "Haffield, Sievers and Umbehr also turned in personal record times." Kelby Umbehr was the second "kicker'. Wabaunsee girls were again well represented by Shawnee Barron and Rebecca Short, who ran as individuals. Barron (13:26) and Short (13:42) turned in personal bests to garner 9th and 11th place medals. Coach Gann was unsurprised. I know that is beginning to sound like a clich6, but that means it has merit. These two girls continue to turn in solid performances and they keep improving. They just have some really tough competition. Not that the boys don't as you can see, but the girls have to do what they can without a team. They are really showing their heart! Adam Wenderott led the junior varsity Chargers with Ist place. Luke Morrill was 2,Jd and Eric Comstock was 3rd. Wabaunsee will be in action at Centralia Lake this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Show your heart and spirit Chargersl Ppspl (First Published In The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002, and subsequently published Thursday, October 10, 2002) NOTICS: OF SCHOOL BOND KLECTION Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of Unified School District No. 330, Wabaunsee County, State of Kansas (the "District'), that a question submitted election has been called and will be held on the 5th day of November, 2002, commencing at 7 o'clock am., and closing at 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the District the following proposition: Shall the following be adopted? Shall Unified School District No. 330, Wabaunsee County, State of Kansas, issue school dis- trict general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $6,820,000 for the purpose of paying the costs of improving a site, constructing, building, equipping and furnishing an early childhood through 8~ grade attendance center at the Mission Valley site, together with all other things nec- essary and incidental thereto, for a total project cost of $6,820,000, pursuant to K.S.A. 25- 2018(0, 75-2315 et seq., and 72-6761, all as amended and supplemented?" The following additional information is provided by the District to comply with the provisions of K.S.A. 10-120a and 12-6,122. This information has been obtained from sources deemed reli- able by the District. Certain of this information is based upon projections. No assurances can be given that these projections will be accurate as of the date of issuance of the bonds due to changing market conditions, changes in assessed valuation of the District, changes in the amount of state t'mancial aid received by the District and other matters unknown or unavailable at this time. The projected rate of taxation is based upon the current assessed valuation of the District, adherence to the assumed principal repayment schedule, the average interest rates from recent bond issues for sindlar types of financings, and the current level of state financial aid the District would receive with respect to the bonds. The actual cost of the project or projects financed by the bonds is $6,820,000. The projected amount of expenses to be incurred in the bond issuance, including but not lim- ited to, attorneys fees, underwriter fees, and printing costs, is $65,000. The projected date on which the bonds normally would be retired is September 1, 2024. The projected amount of interest to be paid until the bonds are retired is $4,774,083.33. The amount of the average annual payment for principal and interest is projected to be with state aid $436,158.37 and without state aid $540,468.25. The average annual local property taxation levy required to be imposed by the Board of Edu- cation is projected to be 15.48 mills. Said election shall be held by ballot at the following voting places, such voting places to serve the following voting district or territories: Wabaunsee County registered voters residing in USD 330, Wabaunsee County, Kansas Maple Hill Precinct Maple Hill City Hall Hessdale Precinct Fire District #5 Building Keene Precinct Mission Valley High School Harveyvflle Precinct I.O.O.F. Hall Chalk Precinct Chalk Township Building Eskridge Precinct Eskridge City Fire Station Lyon County registered voters residing in USD 330, Lyon County, Kansas Waterloo Precinct Admire Grade School Osage County registered voters residing in USD 330, Osage County, Kansas Burlingame North Burlingame City Library Burlingame South Masonic Lodge Shawnee County registered voters residing in USD 330, Shawnee County, Kansas West Auburn Precinct Auburn Fire Station Dover Precinct Dover Grade School Willard Precinct Willard Community Baptist Church By order of the County Clerk, County of Wabaunsee, State of Kansas, whose election head- quarters are located at the County Courthouse, 215 Kansas, Alma, Kansas 66401. Dated this 19th day of September, 2002, and signed by the appropriate official or officials. s/Jennifer A. Savage Wabaunsee County Election Officer (SEAL)