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The Wabaunsee
Wabaunsee High School
Volume 2 Issue 2
Thursday, October 3, 2002
912 Missouri Alma KS
, , . . .
FFA G reenhand Conference ers
i ..... person award that went to sopho-'.
more, Josh Lawton for showing By Ryan Quintanilla
By Tanna Geisler the most participation. Then theyStaff reporter
,Staff reporter announced the top ten scores on n Tuesday, September 24,
the test. Out of the ten awards the Lady Bears walked into
n September 25, there was a given, Wabaunsee received four,
GreenhandC°nferenceheld junior, Brian Boeckman placing the gym to face competition
at Spring Hill High School, third, junior, Sharon Johnson against the volleyball team."
hosted by the East Central District placing fourth, junior Brian Hund Freshman participants kicked off
Officers for the new members of placing fifth, freshman, Libby the night with their match. The
FFA. Lira placing ninth and junior, Chargers had only six freshman
players, but recognized this short-
Out of 22 students in Mr. Tanna Geisler tieing for tenth.
Griesel's Into to Ag class, 16 of the _r "The Greenhand Conference
new FFA members attended the is a great way to get new FFA
conference• As the members en- members involved and excited
tered the high school they had the about FFA," said David Griesel,
opportunity to visit with the dis-. FFA Advisor. "I am very proud
trict officers; Kim Clark, Kansas of all the Greenhand members
FFA Treasurer from Holton, Craig _ for their dedication on the writ-
Pringle, Kansas FFA Sentinel from ten test," Griesel continued.
Winfiold and J.J. Jones, National Griesel is in his first year of more, Emily Loughary.
FFA Officer Candidate from ladvising at Wabaunsee High As a spectator, 1 thought that
Atwood, Kansas. School• He and his wife Sarah, i the crowd was a vital part of their
Upon arriving, the new mem- reside in Alma. • success," said senior, Kevin Seele.
bers had to take an information. Jason McKinney Memorial Cross
test. The results of the test deter-
com sful
..The second
In the first match, varsity fell they played
to the Bears 8-15, and 10-15. In 'dheir loss, was
match two, game one, the varsity Wamego Raiders.
squad defeated the Bears 15-5,but cleared the igrior
the Bears came back in the second came out for a
game 8-15. The teams had to com- tory.
pete in a third game to determine ' "The girls
the winner, and the Bears pulled had a purpose,
off an 8-15 win. s pectator, Zack
age and coped with it well. "We matched up well againstcame in wit
The varsity team next stepped - St. Mary's," said junior, Oney. "I I showed people what
onto the court to compete in their think we scared them, along with all about•"
first match. Starting athletes were ourselves in game one of match . Leading kills
senior, Kelsey Hendricks, senior, two by coming out strong and held by Ebert.
ValerieEbert, junior, KaylaOney, taking care of business. We just. !blocks, along
junior, Kodi Ginavan, sopho-couldn't quite hold on to our in- .Hendricks lead
more, Rachel Yancey, and sopho- - tensity to pick up a victory•" eight assists for the
Ebertlead the team in kills and ! The girls then
digs, while Hendricks had lead- game rest. The
ing assists, and Yancey had nine against Rock
blocks for the team. would win
Saturday, September 28, the
Wamego Raiders hosted a tourna- the tournament.
Country meet would have been better if we had .ment that the Chargers partook the Chargers fell
in. The team is guaranteed three tory. Going
mined the awards to be presented
later in the day. After the test,
members were moved all around
the school to different workshops
throughout the day.
In the workshops the officers
challenged the members to de-
velop leadership skills that w6uld
enable them to be a more positive
person and encouraged them to
set goals for their lives•
At the end of the day, the offic-
ers summoned all the members to
the stage to announce awards.
The e.y..gave out an outstanding
Jacque Gehrt
After high school: Plans on
majoring at K-State in sec-
ondary education. "I've al-
ways wanted to teach•"
Favorite subject: "My fa-
vorite classes are any class
with Ms. Breiner. FACS
classes are so fun and easy."
Life motto: Do unto others
as you would have them do
unto you.
Hobbies: basketball and
spending plenty of quality
time with my friends
Role model: Lesa Leslie be-
cause she is an awesome
player in the WNBA
Favorite food: Cherry
Most interesting thing she
has ever tried: The Rip Cord
at Worlds of Fun, "Twice,
What a rush!"
Compiled by: Bryce Ebert
more girls on the team to run;
By Anthony Siebert with only two its hard to get matches in pool play, and de- Mustangs
many points, commented Short. pending on the number of victo- then advance.
for the match were:
Staff reporter- The top three were Michelle 'ries, can advance to tournament
Stueve from Olpe in first, Terri play. The first match was against leading kills,
Thursda September 26, Baker from Rock Creekin second, Nemaha Valley. The Chargersleading digs, sc
were defeated by the Raiders. Ichet Hancock
Ik--J Wabaunsee hosted the Jason and Stephanie Bryant from Silver "We know what we didI !blocks, and
Me_Kinney Memorial Cross Coun- Lake in third. +
try meet, the fourth of their sea- The boys race was next, with a wrong, and we knew that we , i the
had to pick up our play and fo- "It was a
• son. The sky was clear and the total of seven Chargers runnin . . _. _
• " • cus in order to make it to tour- but in tide
temperature was warm. It was a thelr hearts out. At the start Brlan - , .... i .... id
perfect sunny day for a run, but Boeckman, iunior, and Michael nament play, aaKl sophomore, I '.grao a win, sa
this run was to be rather strenu- "Hei ert, so" homore, ot out in" Yancey. " Gehrt.
g P g .+ ..........................
ous. Most athletes find our home the front at top speed. The boys Weight Club holds student
course to be the most difficult and course was long, a full mile longer "
physically challenging of the than the girls They fought it out By Scott Eckelberry
league, even if it was designed to and the top placers were Heigert Staff Reporter
be easier than last years, in fourth and Boeckman in sev-
In the foreboding excitement enth. The leader from Jackson
that hung over the heads of the Heights, Andy Fenton, finished The Wabaunsee High School's
participants before the start of this far in the lead. Craig Menke from 31. Weight Club held a lunch for
difficult run, Gabe Zeller, senior, Hartford took second, while paying students on Friday during
was anxious but ready• Quincy Colstrom from Lebo fin- homecoming. Students wishing
"It's going to be a long hard ished third, to attend were to sign up with Mr.
race, but the Chargers should The boys varsity walked away Lietz. They had the option of ei-
come out on top• We've been with first place in the meet. Last ther barbecue beef sandwiches or
practicing really hard and Ithink years state champion, Keen hot dogs. Brownies ala mode
we have some good talent that. Umbehr, said that he was glad were served to all those in atten-
should lead us to a good season," that a lot of people showed up to dance afterward.
he said. cheer the team on. "I think the turnout was good
The girls race came first, with "Some really good times were overall. I think the interest for
only two Charger girls compet- run, and it was a great race" he Weight Club is there, we just need
ing: Rebecca Short, sophomore, stated, to have more peoplejoin,"said se-
and Shawnee Barron, sophomore.. In all the entire event was a nior Zack Beavers. "Luckily some
The competition was rough, but success, and all of the runners did of the underclassmen have real-
the girls stuck in there, and their best and achieved what they ized what a great club it really is
Shawnee finished in ninth place, have worked for in practice, when it comes to accomplishing
with Rebecca following close be- Make sure to go and cheer the your goals.
hind, finishing in eleventh• Chargers on at their next meet To those unfamiliar with
"I think we did good, but it •.October 3, at Centralia. . Weight Club, it is a club that helps
student at
both sports and
goals and workir [[
achieve them.
Senior and
had this to say
goals for this year.
our main goals as a ¢
should be toco e
whole. It would be
some more pe6ple t
est and join. It
goals this year
Students wish g
Club only need
the high school and
ings on a regular
ers tri
-By ___ Andv--...r.Vrma a gave the Chargers their first the start of the second
. touchdown of the night, and "We need to come together as
Staff reporter !.GradyWenderott, junior hadthe_a team and improve our
The ( tta'rgers took -anoflaer loss extra point, defense,"said Todd Theel, senior•
last Friday night against a At the start of the second quar- The junior varsity played Mon-
ready to play Onaga team. The ter the Buffalos jumped ahead of day night against the junior Bur-
Buffalos ended up defeating the the Chargers and gave them- falos. They ended up winning,
Chargers 40-22. selves some breathing room. As 46-22. Brian Johnson, freshman,
"Our team seems to struggle, hard as they tried the Chargers _ rushed a little over 300 } ards.
W tt
on our first fe games, says Matt could not catch up. The team tried their hardest
Schrader, senior. "Our offense did good against" and got rewarded with their first
The Chargers took an eight to a hard hitting Buffalo defense," junior varsity victory.
seven lead over the Buffalos in the said Tyler Wegele. The Chargers will take on a
first quarter. Tyler Wegele, jun- The Buffalo defense started to tough Valley Heights team this
ior was having a good night. He. slow down the Charger offense at .Friday night at seven o'clock.