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October 3, 2002 Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise | ![]() |
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October 3, 2002 |
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- 8 ~m. - 6:00 p.m.
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- 8 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
12-1 p.m. every day
thru Friday.
>hasic Clinic,
~[inic, 9-noon
Clinic, 9-4
dtlphaslc Clinic,
of Deeds
of Deeds Office
Deeds, 8 Mort-
5 Miscella-
6 Oil and Gas
the week ending
Starkey sg. to
Pt. Sec.
d. Frank et vlr to
Baker et ux, Pt. of
et ux to T.
et ux, Pt. Sec. 13-
Sec. 14-12-12
~Isberg et ux to
et al, Pt. Sec.
et ux to
ssllng et ux, Pt.
Pugh et ux to
et ux, Lot I,
Estates Subdivi-
]. Davies et ux to
Trust, Lot 1,
Estates Subdivi-
deeds were filed
l lled
S. Parsons vs.
Dunham vs.
Dunham, Jr.
Carlson, Secretary
vs. Richard
Bank, FSB
Bank & Trust,
A. Kraus and
Kraus, husband
TMS Mortgage
Money Store; The
as Trustee,
Kansas vs. Scott R.
giving a worthless
BPH & Prostate Health
"An Ounce of Prevention could be worth a pound of Cure"
Kansas vs. Travis
of mari-
l~ossession of drug
one year in
suspended; one
n$I16 court costs;
of metham-
Kansas vs. Terry
'.ssion of
and pos-
marijuana, 12
total for
Kansas vs. Tanya
a worthless
costs being as-
23- criminal damage to
property, corn field, White
Sands Road; burglary/theft,
Alma; criminal damage to
property, Paxico; assisted KHP
with stolen property, 1-70; at-
tempt to notify, 1-70
24 - grievance information,
Vera Road; alarm, Eskridge;
theft, Eskridge
25 - found property, Paxico;
suspicious activity, Dover;
found property, Paxico; medi-
cal, Alma; fire, K-99; alarm,
Alma; injury accident, Alma;
dogs, Eskridge; possible DUI,
26 - dogs, AIta Vista; debris
on road, 1-70; unfamiliar ve-
hicle, Hessdale/Skyline; med-
ical, Alma; found property, 1-
70; theft, Maple Hill
27 domestic battery,
Maple Hill; medical, Alma;
fire in field, no area given;
gun shots, Alma; reckless
driving, K-99; possible DUI, 1-
28 - knee injury, Alma;
trespass, Harveyville
29 - burglary, Eskridge;
medical, Dover; stolen dog,
Recycle Trailer
Fall & Winter Schedule
Second Tuesday of each month
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. McFarland
Post Omce
9:15 - 9:45 a.m. - Paxico,
9:45 - 10:00 a.m. - Grade
School pick-up
10:15- 10:45- Maple Hill
City Park
11:00- 11:30 a.m. - Alma
Noxious Weed Department
Second Thursday of each month
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. - AIta Vista,
Main Street
9:00 - 9:15 a.m. - Alta Vista
Senior Center
9:45 - 10:15 a.m. - Eskridge
City Park
10:15 - 11:00 a.m. - Grade
School pick-ups
II:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Harveyville City Office
Recyclables and household
hazardous waste can be
dropped off during business
hours at the weed department.
Questions? Give us a call at
September 23, 2002
The Board of County Com-
missioners met in session
Monday, September 23, 2002.
Board members present were
Commissioners Howard, Glea-
son and Winkler. Chairman of
the Board Winkler called the
meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
The minutes of the September
16th meeting were approved as
Treasurers Daily State-
ments for September 13th and
September 16th through 19th
were viewed by the Commis-
sion and signed by the Chair-
man. Purchases were approved
for Janitor $163.00 and
Health Department $64.95.
County Extension Agent
Matt Pfeifer met with the
Commission and updated
them on happenings in his
department. Matt reported
Page 1 7
The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002
that the Ranch and Range tour
had 270 participants and he
was very pleased with the co-
operation from the producers.
Matt also advised that on Oc-
tober 2nd there would be a
meeting at Maple Hill Senior
Center at 7 p.m. where special-
ists would be out to discuss the
new farm bill and a Kids Ag
Day would be held on October
16th at the Fair Barns.
Commissioner Winkler
made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Howard, to ap-
prove Linda Craghead as the
Economic Development Direc-
tor, all members voting yes,
motion passed.
Noxious Weed Director
Tonya Flippin met with the
Commission and advised that
in the future all Household
Hazardous Waste programs
will be accepting Meth Lab
Waste. Wabaunsee County
would collect the waste and it
would go to Riley County,
which is the agency we coor-
dinate with our Household
Hazardous Waste program.
Tonya also advised that any
updates or changes concerning
the Solid Waste Plan are to be
reported to KDHE by Septem-
ber 30th.
Sheriff Bill Kilian and Ed
Gifford and Duane Manning,
representatives from Applied
Technology and Security, met
with the Board for further dis-
cussion on the security system
for the jail and courthouse.
Mr, Gifford presented a new
proposal and advised that for
$12,690.00 the Jail and secu-
rity would be functlonable.
After discussion concerning
where the funding would come
from, Commissioner Howard
made a motion, seconded by
day training session. Jack
also requested an Executive
Session. Commissioner Win-
kler made a motion, seconded
by Commissioner Howard, to
go into Executive Session for
the reason of Attorney Client
relationship deemed privi-
leged for a period of five min-
utes, all members voting yes,
motion passed. Present for the
session that began at 11:20
a.m. and ended at 11:25 a.m.
were the Commissioners and
County Attorney Jack Turner.
Following the Executive Ses-
sion Commissioner Wlnkler
moved, seconded by Commis-
sioner Howard, to give the
County Attorney authority to
assess Ebert Construction a
$500 fine due to a Zoning Vio-
lation, all members voting
yes, motion passed.
Commissioner Gleason re-
ported on the Northeast
Kansas County Officials meet-
ing he attended on September
20th at Atchison County.
Howard was not present for
the afternoon session.
Road & Bridge Supervisor
Les Sehrader met with .the
Commission and advised that
his department plans on
starting repair work on the
Belvue River Bridge. Les ad-
vised that he would have to
take down the road approxi-
mately eight inches in order
to repair it correctly.
Dear Betty,
How do you pop popcorn on the
stove? i've never done it, but ! think
it would be fun to do with my kids.
Danville, Pa.
Commissioner Gleason, to ap- T ike most high-tech kids today,
prove the expenditure of I yours may not have experi-
$12,690.00 to complete the se-1--denced the fun and excitement
curity for the jail and court-
house, all members voting yes,
motion passed. Commissioner
Howard advised Bill and Mr.
Gifford that this would be fi-
nal expenditure for the pro-
Ject. Mr. Gifford advised this
was only a good faith estimate
on the project and could in-
volve more costs. Commls-
sioner Howard stated that he
wanted actual figures for com-
pletion of the project. Mr. Gif-
ford felt he gave a good faith
estimate and could not at this
time give an actual figure
without just increasing the
proposal by a certain percent-
age. Mr. Gifford and Mr.
Manning left the meeting at
this time.
Commissioner Howard
made a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Gleason, to re-
consider the vote and cancel
the preceding motion of a pro-
posal for $12,690.00 provided
by Applied Technology & Se-
curity based upon additional
information that the proposal
was only an estimate and not
a firm bid. Applied Technol-
ogy & Security stated they
would not do the work on a
firm bid. All members voting
yes to reconsider the vote,
whereupon discussion of orig-
inal motion was held, another
vote taken on the proposal for
security systems from Applied
Technology & Security for an
estimate of $12,690.00. All
members voting no, the mo-
tion is lost and the proposal
of Applied Technology & Secu-
rity is denied.
County Attorney Jack
Turner met with the Commis-
sion and discussed a DUI
Seminar he had attended re-
cently. Jack advised that he
has been in contact with Sher-
iff Bill Kilian and advised
him if he were willing to train
his officers he would be will-
ing to purchase Pocket Breath
Tests (PB'Fs) for the patrol
cars out of drug forfeiture
funds. The Kansas Highway
Patrol would conduct the 5-
of making "interactive" popcorn. It's
cozy, old-fashioned fun for a chilly
fall afternoon. And it's a snap to
make. All you need is a large (3- or
4-quart) pan with a lid, non-micro-
wave popping corn, a little bit of
vegetable oil and a little arm power.
Start by adding 1/4 cup vegetable
oil and 1/2 cup popping corn to the
pan, tilting it to spread the popcorn
evenly. Cover and cook over medium-
high heat until you hear the first kernel
pop. Take the pan off the heat, let it
sit for one minute, then return it to
the heat. Shake the pan occasionally
until the popping stops. Remove the
pan from the heat and toss the pop-
corn with salt and melted butter. It
doesn't get much better!
Dear Betty,
Every Friday night we rent a video
and make popcorn. Usually we just
put butter and salt on it, but I'd like
to try making flavored popcorn. Any
ideas ?
Camden, S.C.
It's hard to beat a bowl of piping
hot buttered popcorn, but you can.
Just let your fingers do the walk-
ing through your seasonings and
spices. Add pizzazz to hot buttered
popcorn when you toss it with these
flavor combos:
u Savory. Add a dash or two of garlic
powder, onion powder or lemon
County Appraiser Bobby
Miller met with the Commis-
sion and advised that he had
received a call from Vern Os-
borne and the House Taxation
Committee had scheduled a
hearing on the heavy equip-
ment issue for November 14th
in Room 5195 with the time to
be designated at a later date.
Bobby advised he will be testi-
fylng at the hearing and re-
quested that the Commission
also testify. Commissioner
Gleason will testify at the
hearing also.
Zoning Administrator
Claude Blevins met with the
Commission and requested
approval to attend a Large
Wind Systems Seminar at
Lawrence on October 2nd with
a registration fee of $50.00.
Approval was given.
Sheriff Bill Kilian met with
the Commission and discussed
the security for the jail and
courthouse. Bill has another
company that will meet with
the Commission on October
7th to present a proposal.
At the hour of 2:10 p.m.,
Commissioner Winkler
moved, seconded by Commis-
sioner Gleason, to adjourn un-
til Monday, September 30th,
at 10:00 a.m., all members
present voting yes, motion
Respectfully Submitted
Jennifer A. Savage
County Clerk
mZippy. Toss with Italian, Cajun or
taco .seasoning mix or ranch salad
dressing mix.
• Cheesy. Stir in grated Parmesan or
shredded Cheddar cheese--alone
or with seasonings.
• Sugar 'n spice. Sprinkle with
cinnamon sugar or pumpkin pie
Dear Betty,
I was wondering how to toast nuts.
Wiggins, Miss.
Toasting nuts brings out !heir
wonderful flavor, and it,s easy
to do. You'll know they re
done when you can smell the rich,
toasted aroma.
On the stove: Spread nuts in a single
layer in a heavy, ungreased skillet.
Cook over medium-low heat for five
to seven minutes. Once the nuts begin
to brown, stir constantly until they're
light brown. Watch carefully! The
time can vary a lot between gas and
electric stoves.
In the oven: Spread nuts in a shallow
pan. Bake at 350°F for six to 10 min-
utes, stirring the nuts occasionally
until they're golden brown.
gar C,
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