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Newspaper Archive of
Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
Alma, Kansas
October 3, 2002     Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
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October 3, 2002
Newspaper Archive of Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mental Health Center of East Central Kansas 1000 Lincoln St. Emporia, KS 66801 316.343-2211 or 800-279-3645 ILLNESS ON DEPRF_ SION DAY, 10 70% of people with also have anxiety Post -traumatic is often ac- by Depression. (Bipolar is often misdiag- Depression. 10, 2002, the Depression L SUb-committee of the Community Alliance, free, anonymous screenings that ff these illnesses to community mem- out what may be :where they may go screenings will be Flint Hills Com- Center, 420 W. from 9:00 7:00 p.m. on 10. symptoms in- of sadness and loss of pleasure changes in appetite, vague pains and thoughts or suicide. It is an common mental 17-20 million syrup- Depression but are accompa- swings. The high may be pleas- euphoric, or tense Perilous lapses in are common, as is tleed for sleep, rapid of drugs or al- ij~Ometimes- halluci- nlike Depression, which occurs more often in women, Manic-Depression occurs nearly equally in men and women. Generalized Anxiety Disor- der (GAD) is characterized by excessive worry over everyday things and can be very hard to spot because it is not quite as dramatic an illness as it's cousin, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). GAD is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as nausea and sweating. The intensity and constancy of the anxiety in- terferes with daily functioning. It often co-occurs with De- pression. Post-traumatic Stress Dis- order (PTSD) is experienced in the aftermath of a trauma. It often involves recurrent dreams of the traumatic event, outbursts of anger, inability to sleep, attempts to avoid any- thing that reminds the person of the trauma and a general numbness or detachment. The symptoms of PTSD can appear at any age and often don't ap- pear until several months after the incident. Like GAD, it is often accompanied by Depres- sion. Attendees at the FREE screenings wiU have the op- portunity to hear an educa- tional presentation on these disorders, complete a written screening test and talk one- on-one with a mental health professional. Those who ap- pear to need further evalua- tion will be given referrals to local treatment services. Na- tional Depression Screening Day is a program of the non- profit organization Screening for Mental Health (SMH). YOUR 20? No w HIRING * Company * Owner Operators * Solo and Teams! * Loads With Miles A vMlable Immediately! DIABETIC PATIENTS & RESPIRMORY PATIENTS AMERICA'S LOCATOR www. Declare your B E T I C S Independence! Have your diabetic supplies delivered to your door for little or no cost! re & private insurance welcome (Sorry - HMOs not accepted) FREEDOMED" TOLL FREE- 1-888-722-7556 Page l5 The Wabaunsee County Signal.Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002 lOO years Ago From The Alma Enterprise October 3, 1902 Local News - Mrs. Jacob Horne is going to put in steam heat and water works in her residence. It will cost about $1,000. Mission Creek- The par- ties who got into Joseph Lit- tics cider barrel with a straw Friday night have not yet been apprehended. Out of Town Notes - John Turnbull, the smith at Maple Hill, has a new hydraulic tire setter that is certainly a nov- elty and the finest machine of the kind ever invented. "Tires set while you waif' is an inno- vation but one that will be gladly hailed by the farmers as it does away with the old cus- tom of taking your wagon to the shop and leaving it for a week or two, besides being much better in other ways. Paxico & Vicinity - Frank Schilling is building a stone arch bridge out at Sam Clark's place on Dog Creek. Local News - Did you see the grasshoppers going over Tuesday? They were high up and going south with the wind. Eskridge - Blanch Me- rideth has sold the Chalk marl route to L.C. Predmore and made his last trip Tuesday. 75 years Ago From The Alma Enterprise September 30, 1927 Local News - Some ladies from town helped Mrs. Arthur Czirr with quilting several days this week. Lunch was served each day. Mrs. Theo Czirr assisted her. Sunbeam - Wm. Schutter and family spent Sunday at Henry Schutter's on Kuenzli Creek. Wells Creek - Those who spent Thursday evening with Henry Holz and listened to the prizefight over the radio were Ed Pageler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sauer and son Bill, Dan Paxton, Cressie McDaniel, Josephine and Lester Bahner. North Pole - Gus Finks have built a new hen house. Rock Creek - Farmers have been having lots of trou- ble with the Texas fly causing trouble with the stock. Snokomo - Will and Henry Schutter and families spent Sunday at Wallie SchUtters. From The Eskrtdge Independent September 29, 1927 Dr. Stork Brings Boys - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schreiber have a bouncing baby boy, who arrived Tuesday morning, September 27th. Dr. Stewart in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Dennis of Topeka an- nounce the arrival of a 7-1/2 lb. boy, born to them Tuesday, September 27th at Topeka. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradley are rejoicing over the arrival of a 6-1/2 lb. boy, born last Thursday, September 22. Dr. C.W. Walker in attendance. Bradford Budget - There was a crowd of neighbors at George Ford's listening to the prizefight Thursday evening and the Hoag and Lew Smith families were at the John Marrs home for the same pur- pose. Chalk - The barn on the old Woods place, occupied by Roy Jenkins, burned last Wednesday. Cause of the fire was undetermined. Only a small amount of the contents were saved. It is real hard luck for Mr. Jenkins, as he had just the same experience a couple of years ago when he lived on the Clampitt place. District No. 29 - Still it rains. Farmers are beginning to think the problem of putting up feed will be as serious as it was last year. Mission Creek - Mr. and Mrs. James Younker and Ma- bel and Mr. and Mrs. George McMaster attended the 76th anniversary of the Rebekahs at Auburn last Thursday evening. Rockton Rhymes - Mrs. Ellen Rush, Helen and Bernice called on Mrs. Nellie Wyker and the girls Saturday after- noon. 50 years Ago From The Alma Signal-Enterprise October 2, 1952 Births - Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Gladow of Wichita Falls, Texas are the parents of a daughter, Mary Jo, born September 21. Mount Thoes Local Party October 9 - The Mount Thoes Local will have a Tacky party October 9 at the Legion Hall at 8 p.m. Each family bring pie. PmKico News - Major and Mrs. Edgar Glotzbach of Co- lumbus, Georgia, are the par- ents of a daughter born Sep- tember 24. They have named her Christine Marie. Maple HiU News - Judy and Marylin Hein of near Law- rence, twin granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Watt, spent Saturday here with their grandparents. Newbury - During the past week Arthur Scott has been helping Gerd Reiners fill silo, and has been shocking kafir corn for Charles and Elmer Mock. Upper Snokomo - Mr. and Mrs. Merle Lietz and daughter spent Sunday at the Norman Gehrt home and helped Jim- mie celebrate his 4th birthday. From The gakridge Independent October 2, 1952 Elm Creek - Mr. and Mrs. Elden McKnight and son vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. John Bechtel in Admire Sunday evening. Southwest - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pryor and three little daughters from Ohio were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Montgomery and sons. Pleasant Plain - There will be a community meeting at the schoolhouse tonight (Thursday). The program committee has arranged a nice program, so bring a pie and come to our October meeting. Rock Creek - The Chalk schoolhouse was re-roofed last week with aluminum rooi~mg. Frank Sanders of Alma and Cecil Paul did the work. Halifmt - Mr. and Mrs. George Sommer spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Will Meyer. N. Harveyville - Orin De- Long, DeKalb seed corn salesman, is feeling pretty good. DeKalb corn won sweepstakes at Harveyville Grange Fair Saturday. 25 years Ago From The Alma Signal-Enterprise September 29, 1977 Husband and Wife Team Receive Award - Carolyn Ringel-Welsh and William F. Welsh, a husband and wife team, have been awarded the 1977-78 Artist-in-the-Schools residency by the Kansas Arts Commission, Topeka. They will work during the school year in the Concordia and Belleville school districts. McFarland - Lenna Theel and Mr. and Mrs. Albert SheUinbarger of Topeka were Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Theel home. In the after- noon Hulda TenEyck, Amanda TenEyck of Seneca, and Mrs. Alfred TenEyck of Alma called on Lenna Theel at her home in McFarland. P~tico - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Michaelis are the parents of a daughter, Carrie Lynn, who arrived Saturday, September 24th, in the Wamego Hospital. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces and has a brother and two sisters to welcome her. Local Happenings - Mrs. Carol Black and Mrs. Anna Rich of Topeka visited Satur- day at the A.E. Stuewe home. Snokomo - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Niedfeldt and four girls and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woody had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Pete Woody. Alta Vista - The sur- rounding church of the com- munity held a Singspiration at the Baptist Church Sunday evening. From The Eskridge Independent September 29, 1977 Ne~w Arrival - Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Newby, Oakdale, Minne- sota, are the proud parents of a baby boy, Jerrod Bon, born September 14, 1977. Mr. and Mrs. OlDie Swenson, Eskridge are the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Rice, Topeka, an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Karen Jeanne, on Thursday, September 15, 1977 at Stormont Vail Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bozarth, Jr., Eskridge. ~kridge Locals - Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer returned Sunday night from a two week tour of the western states. After a stop at [,as Vegas, they report they are not in the market to buy anything. Chalk Dust - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed and Miss Lora Core attended an Alpha Omicron meeting at the home of Mrs. Sharon DurreU in Topeka Thursday evening. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Dale Skidmore. Lake Wabaunsee - Ken Manis and Dave Eads went fishing Monday and came back with a basket full of nice fish, including a 5-1/2 pound bass. Fairplaln Sharon - On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baxter and Collin Zirkle were dinner guests of Dick and Reta Riggin. Harve~ille - Chuck Kuntz has purchased a key-making machine and has it installed at the seed company office. Stop in and get that extra set of keys made now. If you have Medicare or Private Insurance, you may be eligible to recewe your DIABETIC & RESPIRATO- RY SUPPLIES such as Nebulizer Pumps & Nebulizer Medication, Albuterol, Ipratropium (Atrovent) & more AT NO COST TO YOU!! For more in[ormation call DIABETIC SUPPLY PROGRAM TOLL FREE 1.888.466-2678 1.888-4NO-COST (No HMO patients, please)