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Mr. HarveyviUe, Willis
Miss Harveyville,
K. Potter; Youth Mr.
Doug Potter;
Harveyville, Katie
King, Bert Erickson;
Chantelle Blythe; Mr.
Harveyville, Kyle and
Jump - I. Zane
Blake Roberts, 3
Race - I. Taeler
2 Chelsea Lisk, 3
- Tim and Jenni-
Balloon Toss - Tim
1 Pare Meats, Joyce
and Rhonda Potter, 2.
3 Mrs. Davis
MCMS, 4. MV.
5. Fire De-
Honorable Mention,
Car or Tractor - 1.
Mercer, 2. Charles
3. Butch Akers.
and Rider- 1 Cath-
2. Jill Jepson.
I. Caleb Strohm, 2.
3. Zane Green.
Trike- 1. Blake
2. Trenton Wooc~yard,
Costume - 1.
2. Lisk Family.
" 1. Baleigh and Brit-
2. Jessica Potter.
Off - 1. Kristina
Foot Races
Adult Men - I. Jimmy
Hinck, 2. Brent Slade, 3.
Dennis Hinck.
Adult Women- 1. Greta
Preschool - i. Blake Rob-
1 & 2 Grade Girls - 1.
Chelsea Lisk
1 & 2 Grade Boys- 1. Zane
3 & 4 Grade Girls- I. Jes-
sica Johnson.
3 & 4 Grade Boys - Brogan
Zerbe, 2. Jakob Zirkle
5 & 6 Grade Girls -Jasmin
5 & 6 Grade Boys - 1.
Lance Cripps, 2. Frankie
Smallwood, 3. Corey Jackson.
7 & 8 Grade Girls - Jessica
7 & 8 Grade Boys- 1.
Adam Wilson, 2. Sevon
Covington, 3. Hank Zerbe.
Kiddie Pedal Pull
(Qualify for State Fair)
Age 4 - I. Alex Lisk, 2. Kyle
Age 5 - 1. Deziree Lisk, 2.
Galen Freel.
Age 6 - Randy Kesler, 2.
Will Haskett.
Age 7 - 1. Tierra Hurst, 2.
Tara Bowers.
Age 8 - 1. Kristina Kesler,
2. Trey Jackson.
Age 9 - 1. Caleb Strohm, 2.
Buddy Lisk.
Age 10 - 1. Lance Cripps.
Age 1 1 - 1. Frankie Small-
wood, 2. Kyle Riggin.
Age 12 -¢ 1. Sabrina Ham-
ilton, 2. Anthony Hurst.
Page 13
The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprlse, Thursday, October 3, 2002
A message from
members of the
A certain mental patient
was convinced he was already
dead, so he was committed to
the care of a psychiatrist. The
psychiatrist tried to get him to
understand that he was alive,
but to no avail. Finally, the
psychiatrist had the man read
a book on anatomy, and
watch films on the workings
of the human body, all to
show him that dead men do
not bleed. Then he took him
to a morgue, where he demon-
strated that dead men do not
bleed. When the doctor asked
him if dead men bleed, the pa-
tient showed he understood.
"All right, dead men don't
bleed," he said.
Then the psychiatrist took
a pin and poked the man, and
a drop of blood appeared. The
doctor thought he won the bat-
tle, until the mental patient
said, "Well, what do you
know? Dead men do bleed af-
ter all."
It is possible to have all the
right facts and draw the wrong
conclusion. In our spiritual
life, there are many serious
misapplications of the truth.
God is also holy and demands
righteousness. And yet, God is
love. We e0me to an illegiti-
mate conclusion if we say God
does not care about sin. We-
reach another wrong conclu-
sion ff we say God cannot for-
give sin. We deserve punish-
ment from God because v~
have failed to live according
to God's plan. God withholds
punishment eternal for our
sin, not because of our good-
ness, or any other reason, but
solely because of Christ, our
substitute. God forgives sin be-
cause of Christ, for "His blood
cleanses us from all sin," (I
John 1:7).
God does want us to live
holy lives. God exacts a price
for sin Yet, God wants us to
know His love, and how He
sent His Son to pay the price
on our behalf. This is the
message from the Bible, so
that we live differently be-
cause of trust in our saving
God. We dare not despise God's
law, for it still stands. We dare
not disregard God's justice, for
there will be a final reckon-
ing. We dare not trust our-
selves, for doom would be sure
to follow. But we may receive
righteousness, given to us
through Christ Jesus and joy
becomes the foundation of
llfe, and a reason for living.
Faith reveals itself in love for
God and for fellowman. Faith
grows as it learns God's ways
and obeys His will. Faith in
Christ is the only solution for
a living relationship with
God, or else we may truly con-
sider we are already dead.
Robert Grimm, Pastor
St. John Lutheran Church
FAIR 2002 - Cookin'
In Harveyville: Continued from page one.
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