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Newspaper Archive of
Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
Alma, Kansas
October 3, 2002     Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
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October 3, 2002
Newspaper Archive of Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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..... W siw,,,v te,z, me, O tob 9 "well fdlinL," activities the Lyddane and to help make Haufler that afternoon Jeanie Orton ballpark on"Monday at I've thexr" day a httle" bmghter." Sherry Johnson home theat theo ~" Dick . . . ( ld ,. never seen that myself but as I , . and Reta Rlggln at- stone house by cry hall) and ! e-mail, ........ tended the Mission Valley JVenjoyed a uided t understand 1£, there m an ex- , _ _ J g our of the .th = ~ ~ acting procedure that must be 1ootball game last Monday to prermses. Also visiting were ats are off to the Har- which her book, =Rose's .... u~A with to do it ;ust watch grandson Kevin play. l~ancy and her two little . ,..u~L~t ~ j Ones ~.~ Fair committee for Mountain~, is based. That was . _v On Tuesday Reta attended a Dick and Reta had supper at g~ch a fine job this past research after the fact since right. -- ~ , potluck luncheon at the Hat- the ballpark concession Visitors at the name oi ......... Sat- ~i~" What with all the the sequel is at the publisherNadine Akers and Gene and" veyvme.o e- ,~em°r. L:enter_ .and en- uraay mght_, and visited with : J[.~tivities going on in the now. Dorothy says there was ........ 3 y a pmyang cards a/terward many at the attendees ther ~!~.~.g areas, an air a lot of rain on the way down ~eta lJurgess, were. ram war- t,ater- ..... mat mternoon she vie-" As for e. son and his smter, Imogene, • ........ myself, I snent a 41" ~aer Days, garage there and even more as they from Burlingame. l~ea wlm ~nar|otte and Lyle good part of the day SaturdaY" ~aad several festivals headed out of Hazard on Sun- The Mission Valley High Moon. Wednesday afternoon, walkin~ the streets --¢ ,, y ':y¢:~ attendance obvi- day. Of course everything was School volleyball team ~ook 2°~ l~Ob Ri'ggin and .the boys veyv/lle° during the f=r ~ar~ IL:,~_ uown but alll-in-all dry when they got back here. place in the tournament held st_.oppeo oy iota ~t at D!ck taking pictures with our new- lair was still a pretty Dorothy will be starting her in Burlington on Saturday cure ~X~Ld ~_.nume.. vn. aay, a/ter /angled digital camera Aid ~: book reviews again soon and "rh,~ ~.~;f..~ rd=~'~,~,~;©, school, Kyle Rlggm. Brock the way I met uu with ~Weems tellsus that will have an evening review soWomen wil~l'~be~" havi"ng~'~h~e~ dstoToe~ni., may~ J.R~ ,B_ayles_s_ friends that I hadnotseen i"n ' ~.i, " "~Y vemmty t~ozogne ~am can review her books, communi*-, covered dish v~- . • .... ,~ ~.~t l~u~u my some "~u years or so. It was ]~.Was Elda Stephenson We understand the local luncheon~Jthis Thursday, Oc- guess is/ p_rooaoly some oi really nice to see the Hayes ~ge. As for Dick Or- Internet company has been t,,h~, ~,fl ~()Or) at 19.()13 .... .gr~-quma s homemade cooK- boys, Gary and Charli~ ~,,,~ '}h~t~ng from his real attempting to remedy some of Eve~jone ~swel~ome'~s~ "ho~p'e;:~a en~aye~V:ning' D!ck" aridwe had anice long chat:' O'~e ,~ ~, the winner of the the access problems being ex- to see you there. H cone~-'-y-'- pper at. tne~- of the things they really talked !!k~_Was Gretta Green perienced here in the Her- Velda Hod~es will be ....... ~_~mo, n a~ me uazr. on aboutwas how much the town ~e Can of popcorn went veyv/l]e area. Supposedly one opening her pumpkin patch ma~h~u~y.ox ~ur~, .me, ytook had changed during the past I'~s~ Lowry and the mag- of the phone lines was =talking next week starting October the~ rmr. ~xem james ue~ty years. :~ka?s went to Kenneth to itse.h~, and they bypassed it 12tb. If you've been by her 'IF~'.._uorothy Masters to see if that would help. Ha-place you know she's got lots • ~'~.Hfl]. vent noticed a lot of improve-of nice .~umpkins out there ~m~wr~ I]'~#,! ]~Arc.~]L...Ai.*_~ f~L -- :L~ Pierson and Doro*h,, ment since th=., b,,t will kee,~ .. v .. -- " . k~llliFi~Uil UIlILgU J, VlgLIIUUl~[ unuren ~lk; t o~ a road trip to checking, relatives have been sto in " i:$k~entucky so that Sam Ella Lee Crumb had dinner by to see Glenn and PPle~ Annual Fall Fest, vai mountain upon with Bud and Avis iggin this Alia Vista Kan - I " ~ ~~ =mUbd,~ett~hana'tiYa~ll%eNg October 16th " I]worked out at this writing. |~ ,~ J /. ~ era and got a few snapshots of AuoH,m -" "-"'~ ~- b ~' J.)¢4,~,,1~, ~.3¢~M1,1,~ morning ride home was great TheAuetionwillinehtt~ntanyntiseeU~anoultilems. | ~_ ,~,, /" / and spirits were high as we ~,~ .=. ~r~ : V~,C~ 30~es [ went our separate ways. And I ~Uil[ Kame L ~y" 'V~c~y ~ have a lot of memories to pack $100 donation fora ticket for therafflema- be ---- v en " J' J' ~ 7 purcm~ea that away for the future Sho e g - evenin or m U -- eration! g fro M Lady membem. ~o~ s~ucturally and estheti- Until next time, I hope my Proceed# to benefit Minion Workn ~ 7e ,.°r de "tWlh. mY caJIy. . ..- . view from the back seat will [~ was priv/leged to get a encourage others! Vicky --..-.. , IOHN n -oo: now , I~~ My some remodeRng had ex- ,.-,va,, va,, vj l |~~l's studies' into one * I ~'~ /~'IV~ JE1~O I .,,..~.~-,-.=t Jt .a.~.JIt s paten _z • IL, ~ • g,/%,,,~ ~~ rooms have bea uti- | ~ V~ ~ ~~ ~..~.~ ~ ..... L3- a___ - ....................... ,~ J~,=.',.~,.'.~.x~...~ ;~Ulli.a""" . .,~r,~,~,~ ..... ~~ak floors. The second floor ..... ~ ~; ...... h~.,u, .,. I ~~5"~.?L aj~ .~....vL.~, loul ~~ar addiyon~ members of the community I 4:30-7 p.m. rooms that once were the who showed their support for [ 2nd a --- i ~'~1 for a couple of math and English classrooms the school and especially for 1%~~/ nd Kansas, Alma ti~,~~ e mid-1940s. So, for the high school students in Shelly Ritter's family by at- I ~~ ~a.t. say that I have the 1940's tending the pancake supper | ...... ~ly ties with the Ha- Although the second floor on Sunday evening. The Board [ Deep fat fried fish, baked potato, green beans, ro ~'Y~Ca~72~%Ts' b=~hmerg ~a~n~t h~ndiu'taPstLCa=S'bl:t e~foS~rt~Coknm°=l;d~e:rsSifgr~fi~:~t~ l lee ¢reanlb toppmgs ll, and drink ~: J st west of town both ends of the bufldin , thev John PTL, AAL Branch #1062, ] !~S _Years ago, the will still be utilized fo? corn- and the students of St. John. i !~, olidated with the munity activities. The eas/lyEvents such as this require | FREE WILL DONA r t t aool Dm ~-~ vx-~t ~t ~Z V.. ~i]~~- ! trict leaving accessed, f'urst floor offers sev- support and effort from many | ~=~? available for the era] large, oak-floored rooms people throughout the corn- | ~tU°ol classes, grades in excellent condition as wellreunify. We are thankful that/ ll)l .......... ,i ..---.... _ ..~_._._. ,~ 8 As the etude t . -~ lagaa¢ guan¢ aliu ¢llJU~ a UelICIOUS ~i0r~ " n as a boy's and a girl sSt. John is part of such a l declined in "s " " " • ~a ......... ~ s hower/bathx.ooms adjacent to commumty. .. .... ] meal and a mght of free fellowshm. ~le:~'~,u~y, me mmme the gymnasmm, wmcn stJJl l~ruce ~cnultz / .= = .nw~ .,,,-..~ ........ -- ,.~u. last year afterhas the original golden oak Chairman l ,'tJL, L,'tKr., Wl ,L UME!! ~L nine (9) of the 24 floors twear those tennis St. John School Board L_ .._...... ~ ~ Both Havensville shoesl) ~nd wooden bleachers. ~l~OI and the Whea- The former tooling-room was ~ ~ a ~ ~ consolidated with remad~l~d into a mu-qic room ~'i aeighboring Onaga an'd-lecture-~ea; ~d--the full m Ilk,', ~t51st District / Please contact me ~trict. Thus, the kitchen and dining area is just~ i'"i" I A A ~ 1 when you have any ~rrlunity Center As- down the hall from the gym- ~ =~.:~ quest,ons. ~add~d babYd %es~denst units have been s.trategically • ~ • 27%0707 to - pmcea in windows LrLrougnout ~ ~ ~ 1 2610 S ...... e:~.gether, these con-the buildino to heln alleviate ~/~l ~ 1 ,,_vv.~amsDoro l~ens, worked withthe stifling~ Kansasr summer r r ,,, _ ........ .,_ 111 660,., L,,... rrtde Program to heat And exhibited on both file JJ go l[]~ &.Xll'~l II111~. 1 ~ 1 .. __ ... ~, ~a~ut to purchase the floors of the building are cases l~ I im'Ke~-' -,~1 most of its con- of trophies and memorabilia ............. as weU as several high school I-(]ucate(] in Aeneas Native Kansan books and trophies rescued 4" B.A. from Kansas State University in journalism/ 4" 5th generation Kansan ~a'nal high school from the flames that took the in 1936. Until original high school structure. t structure was The "HRHS" (nickname for school classes the community center asso- ~M the basement of ciationJ has lots of plans for . church and the the former high school. Those , basketball games plans included a Senior citizen red in a downtown, walking area in the gymna- ~, Warehouse until slum as we]/ as Christmas v]etion of the ne~, programs with local talent; 1938 for $80,000. living history day; the Elmont ~aOdern two story Opry; Gospel Sings; and movie heStands just to theand popcorn nights. I believe original school on that there is also an Alumni end of Havensv/lle Dedication plarmed as some cry good condition point in the future, perhaps mass communication with a minor in economics 4" Grew up in Pottawatomie and Shawnee 4" Auburn/Washburn USD 437 alumnus counties Experience 4" Lived past 16 years in the 51st District 4" President of small business Well-Rounded Leader Spinnaker Web Design & Hosting Shawnee County Fair Board member 4" Understands Legislative process v" Chair-elect of the Public Relations Society of Lobbied Kansas Legislature America Technology Section for the last three sessions. 4" Former K-State Track Team member 4" Worked to grow the Kansas Economy 4" Academic All Big 8 and Big 12 Kansas Dept. of Commerce & Housing Please vote on November 5th for Mike Burgess. He'll work hard for youl Political adv pa,d for by the Burgess for Representative Campaign, Linda Vilander treasu~r.