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The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002
School Class of 1967 members pic-
to right are back row: Mike Schmitt,
Alan Hess, John Kobiskie, Ray
Dale Grunewald; front row: Rita
Anderson, Larry Hendricks, Scott Ber-
Mary (Schmitz) Olsen.
School class of 1966 members pic-
to right are back row: J.E. Schmitz,
front row: Linda (Brown) Maas, Sheila
Sue (Schutter) Preston and Betty
School Class of 1967 celebrated its 35th year
the Class of 1966 to join in on June 8, 2002.
in the afternoon at the Alma Community Center in-
OpPortunity to tour the high school building's current
lect, after which classmates and guests enjoyed
catered by T.D.'s & Company. Copies of sev-
were available to bring back memories of the
L Years.
--- I I I --!
of the Wabaunsee High School Class of
their ten year reunion on Saturday,
at the Alma Community Center.
and a family get.together, the
a tour of the new high school
Members of the class include (1st
Wessel Hesse, Lisa Purcell, Kelly
(2nd row) Leslie Coffee, Monique
ngel, Chris Houk Pease, Michael Hurla
Joe Anderson, Marcy Stuewe
Zeller Logan, Lynn Glotzbach
Michael Burbach, Greg Gehrt, Chuck
and Wayne Gros.
We can help change all
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will be able to determine what
to do next. So you can get to
feeling better.
Thursday, October 10th
9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
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Matthew 21:28-31 A man had
two sons. He went to the first and
said, "Son, go and work today in
the uineyard. "I will not," he an-
swered but later he changed his
mind and went. Then the father
went to the other son and said the
same thing. He answered, '7 will,
sir" but he did not go. Which of the
two did what his father wanted?
As a parent I always knew
which of my children I could
depend on to get something
done, maybe not when I
thought it should be done but
it would always get done. I
also knew which one would
need many reminders and
sometimes would never get to
it. It wasn't that the intentions
weren't good. It was just that
there was always something
else to do that seemed more
interesting or exciting. I think
• we are often like both of these
sons. We have good intentions
but never get around to fol-
lowing them through. Today I
will call and see how --- is do-
ing, or maybe I can help ....
or I need to drop a note to ---
but the day passes and our
good intentions have never
materialized. Then there are
times we would rather be do-
ing something else yet some-
thing tells us stop! This is im-
portant, do it now. So we stop
and do it without making
much fuss or really knowing
why we chose to follow
through at this time.
Faith is like that. One may
talk about what he/she be-
lieves about God, and claims
to have faith but never gets
around to living it. Another
may not claim much but is
always there when needed and
always seems to know what to
say and do. Who is really do-
ing the Will of the Father?
God wants more than sim-
ply righteous speech; God
wants righteous actions. It is
never too late to change for no
one is ever completely cut off
from God's grace.
You can tell whether a man is
clever by his answers. You can
tell whether a man is wise by
his questions.
--Naguib Mahfouz
B rbeque B f Dinner
Homemade Salads and Desserts
Trinity Lutheran Church
McFarland, Kansas
Saturday, October 5th
5-7 p.m.
Free Will Donation
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Dorothy Tanner and Fem Worthing have been members of the
Laclede FCE (Family and Community Education) Unit for more
than 50 years. In 1980 the Laclede FCE started recycling news-
papers as a community service project. Since that time they
have added many other items to be recycled.
Some of the totals that the members are very proud of are
124,028 aluminum can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House;
over 20 tons of paper including newspapers, shredded paper
and computer paper; over 1 ton of aluminum cans and foil; 1
ton of glass; and 13,166 cancelled stamps which went to the
Veterans Hospital. Other totals include 612 Ibs. of plastic milk
jugs and bags; 1,553 Ibs. of tin; 1,715 magazines; 9,200 fronts
from used cards were sent to the Veterans Hospital; and 1,124
phone books and catalogs.
This is a continuing project for the Laclede FCE and over the
years many friends have made contributions to help with these
In addition to the many items that they have recycled they
also have their grand champion banner, from the Pottawat-
omie County Fair, on display at the Kaw Valley State Bank until
October 15th.