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Newspaper Archive of
Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
Alma, Kansas
October 3, 2002     Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
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October 3, 2002
Newspaper Archive of Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6 e The Wabaurtsee County Signal-Enterprlse, Thursday, October 3, 2002 The depot building, which was moved in from Peck, Kansas in the spring of 1953, was reassembled by the B&B gang next to the tracks, and just east of the Modoc. This depot was used by the Rock Is- land in McFarland until the railroad went bankrupt and ceased operations in March of 1980. Although passenger trains quit running on the Rock Island in the middle 1960's, an agent continued to work in the building until the 1980 shutdown. One of their functions was to give orders to trains crossing over and using the high line, which ran to Belleville. Roy Dillingham, who currently lives in McFar- land, was the last agent to work in the McFarland Depot. He took over for long time Alma resident, Carl Sarver, who retired in the middle 1960's. Roy continued his rail- road career for one more year after-the Rock Island shut down by working for the Cot- ton-Belt (SSW) at Topeka Tower. The Cotton-Belt Rail- road, a subsidiary of the Southern Pacific (SP) Rail- road, became the new owner of the track between Topeka and Tucumcari, New Mexico. Be- fore his death in 1999, Carl Sarver donated numerous items to the McFarland Her- itage Center, including a cou- ple ticket punches, a McFar- land way-bill stamp, and train orders which had been written by both him and Roy Dillingham. When the Cotton-Belt took over the former Rock Island Line, the agent's office in the depot was closed and the building used as office and storage space for a malnte- nance crew still working out of McFarland. In 1989, it was rumored that the depot was going be torn down because two small buildings had been moved in north of the tracks to be used by the maintenance crew. Contacts were made with Southern Pacific Railroad of- ficials and they agreed to give the building to the McFarland Centennial Committee pro- vided it was moved off their property. The centennial committee had money left over from the 1987 centennial celebration and was also given money by the McFarland Se- nior Citizens organization to finance the move. Jr. Hultgren of Hultgren Enterprises, White City, moved the building in May of 1990 from the railroad tracks to north of the city park and ball diamond. The building was placed on a ce- ment slab that had been con- structed by Gerry Schmanke and Delmar Thowe. That fall, volunteers put on a new roof and painted the building. It was then given to the City of McFarland to be used as a city hall/heritage center. The building stood ~a- used and empty for several years and then in 1996, Terry McDaniel began remodeling it. The city funded the project in stages and the remodeling was not completed until early 1999. The first council meet- ing to be held in the depot was in February of 1999. Very lit- tle of the project was con- tracted out and most of the work was completed by Terry McDaniel. With his efforts the depot was transformed from an empty shell into a fine city hall and heritage center. Paxico News Ruby Seematter In so much as anyone pushes you nearer to God, he or she is your~ friend. Good luck to all the high school and Junior high games this week and next. Watch the paper for the playing of our football games. There will be no school on October 1 l th for teacher in-service day. It was good to see a card of thanks in the paper last week from Keen Umbehr. Please continue on to a full recovery. It was good to see that Kathryn Thowe is doing well also. Get well wishes to you. Prayers to both of you and a speedy recovery too. Many turned out this past Sunday evening for the pan- cake supper for the St. John Lutheran School benefit for Shelly Ritter who was killed in an auto accident. Many from the Paxico/Newbury area attended the Maple Hill Fall Festival. The high school and Junior high band looked good in the parade. I understand that the barbeque was great also. Remember to get your quilts into Paxico Floral and Gifts by October 10th for the Paxlco Polka Pfest. Remember also that day the Paxico Methodist Church will be having their all-day breakfast and yard sale. Hope to see a lot of you readers there on that day. There will be a trac- tor parade that day. Call 636- 5558 for more information on that. Words of comfort and prayers goes out to Chuck Droegemeier, Paxico, on the loss of his father on Septem- ber 23rd. God bless you Chuck and your family for the many years you had with your father. Birthday wishes to Scott Roth on October 2nd. Have a good one neighbor. Paxico/Newbury would very much llke to have a birthday card shower for Marguerite Hund on her 89th on October 5th, for Rosey Flach on her 70th on October 10th, and for Alta Maginley on her 88th on October 8th..Good to report Rosey was transfered to a rest home on October 1st. She has been in the Manhattan Rehab for a little while. Hope you soon be back at home. To all the young ladies mentioned, have a happy birthday and many more wonderful years ahead. On October 17th, the Paxico WATS bus will be going to Topeka for shopping and eat- ing out. Ca[[ 636-5558 if you would like to go. USD commodities will be given out at the Paxlco Senior Center on October 18th from 3-4:30 p.m. There will also be some leftover from the time before. For more information, call Betty at 636-5525. If there is anyone from Paxico/Newbury who would like to go the third Thursday in November to see the Czarr exhibit, please call Ruby at 636-5558. We would like to have a full bus if it is possible. If not, we will Just be going shopping that day. Watch pa- per for more information on this. This coming Sunday will be the monthly K of C Pancake Breakfast at the hall in New- bury. Everyone is welcome. Come on out for a lovely meal and you don't have to cook mom. We enjoyed a lovely wed- ding this past Saturday at Frankfort of Paul's nephew, Donnle Armstrong and Jes- sica Loiseau, both of Frank- fort. Many from here attended the Air Show this past Satur- day at Forbes Field, Topeka. From the ones in our family who attended, it was super and out of this world. Good week to all and a very safe one. By the time the paper comes out, it will be very cool. In music, an 1/64 note is also called a "hemidemisemiqusver:' HERDSMAN NEEDED FOR A REGISTERED ANGUS COW/CALF Individual must be a self-starter, able to work with limited sion, and have experience in the care and cowherd. Prefer someone with A.I. experience, ited farmwork. Salary will commensurate with housing, utilities, health insurance, feed and ~ ~ for horse, provided. Send resume with references to Mark Nikkel, Ranch, 15637 Cattlemen Rd., Maple Hill, KS of Topeka Office: (785) 271-8400 Fax: (785) 271-5676 Home: (785) 589-2569' Toll Free: (877) 271-8400 E-Mail: Richard ThomPson RF_.ALT~ 5660 SW 29th, Topeka, KS 66614 PLEASE JOIN US FOR A RECEPTION HONORING Sunday Oct. 6th, 2002 Come and Go 4:30 to 6:00 Senior Center Maple Hill MaX & Nancy Fuller 256-4654 As always, your campaign contributions are appreciated Area Church Services Immanuel United Church ofChrist- WdlsCreek Rev. Robert C. Trdchel 456-9739 456.9071 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. St. John Lutheran Alma Pastor Robert Grimm 765.3652 Sunday School, Bible Class 8:30 san. Worship 9:30 a.m. Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Mission Pastor Jeffrey Geske Lake Wabaunsee 8:00 a.m. Bible Class 9:00 a.m. Trinity Lutheran McFarland Pastor Jeffrey Geske 765-3755 Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Maple Hill Community Congregational Church Pastor Andrew McHenry 256-4277 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study at Senior Center at 2:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Alma Baptist Church, Alma Pastor Daniel LeGrand 765-2581 School 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Evening 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Mill Creek Baptist Eskridge McFarland Yoked Pastor Charlie McClelland 765-3824 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Worship United Methodist Church Pastor Kirby Walls 765-2379 Alma Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship I 1:0 0a.m. Paxico Worship 9:30 a.m. Harveyville United ] Worship Sunday School Peace United Church of Christ Alma Pastor John Austin 765-3818 Sunday School 8:45 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Dover Federated Church Bob Keller, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Saturday Men's Bible Study at the Dover Market 7 a.m. Women's Bible Study 10 a.m. Harold jones, Sunday School Worship Monday, Men's Bible Skyline } Christian Sunday School Worship Wed. Thurs., Beecher Bible & Rev. Sunday School Worship This Information brought to you by: qmm~ tm~ Mat. $1|14msurt .~m, J~m~ wm $m,l~ .4~m~ gmmm ~S-~LS.I~O MdkL~Jtq~ Ill tram luam ~ I~nmm IltJ. ~. ma laam ~ Id & L Omm l'vm 3m 116mmt Am, aura. I~m "ms.'/a.lmmj Eskridge - St. , Fr. Jerry Saturday Alma - Fr. John Sunday Paxico - Ft. John T°~J~ 636-5547 f-