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October 3, 2002 Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise | ![]() |
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October 3, 2002 |
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Lutheran Church
dined St. Luke
in Wheaton
interpreted serv-
The St. John Lutheran PTL
in Alma will be holding their
annual Fish Fry on Sunday,
Page 5
The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002
HONORS OUTSTAND- It was believed by some in the southern United States that if the
INC YOUTH, ELITE fire pops on the hearth, a letter is headed your way.
deaf each month. October 13, 2002. Stiff competition forced
aer and Glenda The serving time will be winners to work diligently for
Provide signed inter- 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the their positions at the 70th an- It's all about HAY!
L of the spoken word school's gym, located at 2"0 nual Kansas Junior Livestock
~s Songs and hymns, and Kansas in Alma. Show (KJLS), September 20- Saturday, Oct. 5 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
~l~.'"mY is at 8:30 a.rn. The menu wil~ include deep 23 in Wichita. The event in-
~,~Ship at 9:30 a.m. on fat fried fish, baked potato, eluded 652 4-H and FFA
L*~°nd Sunday of each green beans, rolls, ice creammembers from 89 Kansas 9:30- Baler Maintenance Workshop
~. at St. John. Bible with toppings and a drink. All counties exhibiting1, 189 10:30 - Vermeer BP7000+ Bale
~1~ at 8:45 a.m. and wor- for a free will donation, head of livestock.
L~t 10:00 a.m. on the Processor Demo
f~k~,day of each month We hope you can come and Among those receiving
enjoy a delicious meal and a honors were Morgan Butten- | 1:00 - Hydra-Bed Demo
i , kes.
night of free fellowship. All are holT, PJma, Reserve Chana-
~estimated that 5700 welcome, plon Slmmental Breeding 10% offWinkel products in stock
are deaf or pro- ******* Heifer; Justin Hiller, Alma,
,_hard of hearing. The thru Oct. 31, 2002
~e services are an Champion Hereford Market
avenue by which BAKER UNIVERSITY Steer, 4th in clmm 8 - Here- Factory represents|yes on handy
~ are deaf might par- WOMEN'S CROSS ford Breeding Heifer, 8th in
class 13 - Cratmbred Market Join us early for rolls and coffee and stay for luncht
~ general community COUNTRY PLACES Barrow; Tyson Miller, Alma,
~\. The addition of the
i~V'ce greatly increases 13TH AT WOODY sth in ela.~ 12 - Cro==bred Miller Ranch Equipment
B|~caphical area to which Market Barrow; and Jordan
t r
~.e~ eted worship is GREENO NEBRASKA Miller, 8th in elan 17 -
~'d,_ All members of the INVITATIONAL Crossbred Market Barrow 1-1/4 miles north of 1-70 on Hwy. K- 99
~tl~ g communities are The Baker University men and 6th in elmm 11 - Cross- Alma, KS 785-765-3588
~".~o Participate in the and women's cross country bred Market Barrow. ~
~b~[erpreted worship atteams traveled to Lincoln, Ne- *******
| "Lthese congregations, braska for the Woody Greeno
"****** Nebraska Invitational on Sat- WAMFA O WRITERS GRIFFffH LUMBER & HARDWARE
urday, September 21 st TO I~E~IT
The women's team placed
13th out of 25 schools, beat/ng The Wamego Writers *Lumber *Plywood *Hardware EVERYTHING
all of the schools in the con- roundtable will meet Thurs-*Cabinets *Siding *Roofing FOR YOUR HOME
Sen room in which ference. Leading the way for day, October 10, 2002, at I:00 *Windows *Doors *Paint
or wait got its namethe Wildcats was freshman at St. Bernard's Education *Plumbing *Electrical*Tools
Walls in such roomsBlair Spencer, from Lake Center, 1102 Eighth Street, *Wallpaper *Insulation*Kitchen & Bath
I Painted green to rest Wabaunsee, who ran a Wamego, Kansas. All creative
after exposure to 24:22.58 and placed 62~d out Writers /n the area are invited
of the 234 girls running the toattend.******* LOCAL FREE DELIVERY
3.25-mile course.
Open 7 days a week
: N
October A,,F,TH
Sunday, October 27th 3 OH VB/FB vs. Riley ~-'-'-~'. " , ~[t~l~
Methodist Church will not hold their regular 9:30 County, home, 4:15/6 p.m.; Ag
. .dAlma United Methodist Church will not hold their regu- _ Ed State Land and Homeslte
]kS,' service. Instead, AlmawilljoinPaxicoat ll:00 for the | JudglngatelayCenter
[k ZC°nference. A covered dish dinner will follow the service | 4 - PB at Valley Heights 7
~.~ellowship Hall in Paxico. District Superintendent Nancy | p.m. COW POKES* By Ace Reid
fo-rtheservice. " 5-X-Country at Centralia
Ill, from roster for the service
• ' " ' • 10 a.m.
7 - JV Football at Valley "p:/~.~,,.=~
Heights 6 p.m.
8 - Volleyball Trl/Osage
City at Silver Lake 5 p.m.; ""
Tennis at Abllene 1 p.m.
NEW| 10 - JV VB FB at Rock "~"
Creek 4:15/7 p,m.; Freshmen
t Yeloci~f'E~.Ena~.VB Tourney at Perry
M A R y KA~ )~;~ ~$himtr~ry, ~immatY 11 - Inservlce, no school;
cok~ ~oy~ and FB at Rossville 7 p.m.
lip=. Cai r~k~ 12 - JH Volleyball league
I h~d~nls~ " Tourney at Sliver Lake; VB
Tourney with Freshmen at
Onaga 8:30 a.m.; X-Country
~$2JoLeta MEL Tourney at Riley County
-324 Wabaunsee Street - Harveyville, KS 66431 ******
315; Joleta@flinthllls.eom; or
October RE^LT'
2 - Eskridge 4-H; FFA ECD
~Y' Friends and Community, Reg. Land, 9 a.m.; Harveyvllle
[en.s.° grateful for all of the 4-H Ac-z
~~[!i~i!ii 3- MV XC at Council Grove
- Invitational 4 p.m.; MVMS "1'11 say this is a rough outfit, I've got more
7/8 FB at Overbrook 5 p.m.;
MVMS 7/8 VB at Overbrook dirt under my fingernails than you have on
4:15 p.m. the whole ranchV'
4 - MV V FB at RossvlUe, 7
7 - MV JV FB vs. Rossville
!ly, Megan is doing well. 6 p.m. If you're looking to buymore land,
yWaS successful and her 8 - MV VB vs. Northern
has been amazing. She Heights, 5 p.m.; Senior this is the place to come for the financing.
first round of chemo- Parents Night We know farm/ranch lending.
,° September I0th, and 9 - SIMT Mtg. 4:15 p.m.;
't0L Task Force Town Mtg. at
~, oe tolerating the medi- Eskridge 7 p.m. HOURS: Pax|co: 8:30-1:00 Monday thru Thursday; noon.6 on Friday
so far, We can only take things one day at a time. 10 - MVMS FB 5 p.m. vs. Maple Hill, 8:30.4:00 Monday through Thursday;8:30.7:00 oa Friday
Silver Lake at MV; MVMS VB Alma, 9:00.3:00 Monday through Thursday; 9-S:30 Friday; 8:30-11 Saturday
. e tinue to keep Megan in your prayers as she battle: 4:15 at Silver Lake; Windy
Players at MY, 10:15.
tgain. We know that God has a plan for her and we
g see what that plan is. Until then, we will keep on grades 1-4
never give up. Thank you for your love and sup- 11 - League Meeting 8:30 Just a friendly little bank/
.eed it each and every day. a.m. MVMS; MV V FB at Osage •
City, 7 p.m.; MVMS Club MapleHm, KS 66507 Paxico, KS 66526Alma, KS66401
Choice Food Sale Kick-Off 785-256-4241 785-~-$2~ ~-765-3311
t~ all of you.! 12 - II~XC at Riley County Toll Free 1-877-636-5288
Invitational. 10 a.m.; MVMS
'Jason and Megan Aune 7/8 VB MEL Tourney at
..... Paxleo "" Member FDIC