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The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, October 3, 2002
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Baldock
Hanson - Baldock United In Marriage
Kaija Lynn Hanson of Decorah, Iowa and Thadeus Paul
Baldock of Alma, Kansas were married August 24th, 2002. The
ceremony was held at First Lutheran Church in Decorah and
was officiated by Pastor Marion Pruitt Miller. A marriage
celebration dinner and dance followed at Matter's Ballroom in
The bride is the daughter of Bruce and M elinda Hanson of
Decorah, Iowa. The groom is the son of Bill and Ann Baldock of
Alma, Kansas.
Kaija, a graduate of Pepperdine University, is a Residential
Real Estate Agent in Kansas City. Thad, a graduate of Kansas
State University, is the Vice President of Sales for Denver
Solutions Group - an IBM business partner.
After enjoying a relaxing honeymoon in Maul and Kauai,
Hawaii, the couple is residing in Shawnee, Kansas.
Rosey Flach, Pax/co, will be celebrating her 70~ birthday on
October 10~.
A card shower is planned to help Rosey celebrate. Birthday
greetings may be sent to Rosey at RR 1 Box 53, Paxico, Kansas
Virginia Snodgrass
The WATS bus will be going
to Westin, Missouri on Friday,
the 4th. Call VeryI at 765-
2522. if you would llke to go.
Happy birthday to Mildred
Degenhardt who was 88 years
old last Saturday.
Sunday morning Delmar
Maike had surgery on his
carotid arteries on one side of
his neck and possibly at the
end of the week he'll have the
other side done. He's at Stor-
mont Vail Regional Health
Center, 1500 SW 10th St.,
Topeka, KS 66604-1353. He's
doing okay and I know he'd
appreciate some cards.
We extend our sympathy to
John and Debbie McCann on
the death of her father.
Marie Grieshaber, St.
Marys, Janet Lakin, Redmond,
Oregon, and Mabel Grieshaber,
Belvue, were dinner guests
Sunday at the home of Stella
Thowe. They enjoyed visiting
all afternoon.
Diana Artzer, Cummings,
Georgia, is spending a couple
weeks here with her mother,
Esther Atkinson.
Mike and Lisa Augustine.
Jessica and MicheUe of Salina
spent Friday night with Lisa's
parents, Larry and Diana Her-
bic. Mike and Lisa attended
the races in Kansas City on
Saturday while the girls spent
the day with Grandpa and
Grandma. They returned to
Salina Saturday evening.
Several from Alma at-
tended the air show at Forbes
on Saturday afternoon and
some others went to the races
in Kansas City.
Peace United Church of
Christ of Alma had their Sun-
day morning service at Camp
White at the Council Grove
Lake. Following the service,
they had a basket dinner in
the shelter house. Art and
Henrietta Gelsler and Laura
Theel were among several that
The pancake supper benefit
for the Ritter family was well
attended Sunday evening at
the Lutheran School.
Since I've made the guineas
stay out of the chicken house
they roost up in the trees at
night with the peacock and
now the peacock follows the
guineas around during the
day. The peacock doesn't have
a mate so I guess she adopted
the guineas to be her family.
No NTL team which plays
its home games in a domed
stadium has ever won a Super
Monday, September 23,
2002 - 7:00 P.M.
Members Present Jim
Page, Angle Boeckman, Bonnie
Williams, and Robin Schuck-
Discussion of PowerLunch
being used in conjunction with
PowerSchool was held and
that Maple Hill Grade is cur-
rently piloting the PowerLunch
Program for the larger schools.
Meeting Dates
Future meeting dates were
discussed as noted: Monday,
November 25, at 7:00 P.M.;
Monday, February 24, at 7:00
P.M.; and Monday, April 28, at
7:00 P.M.
Cycle II Accreditation Visit
Robin will attempt to have
the final agenda for the Ac-
creditation Visit by the No-
vember meeting.
Adequate Yearly
Progress Report
Robin presented the Ade-
quate Yearly Progress Report
for the 2001-2002 school year.
AGS met Adequate Yearly Pro-
gress during the 2001-2002
school year. Robin shared re-
cent staff discussions on pos-
sible strategies for the next 5-
year cycle to continue positive
yearly growth with test scores.
State Amassment Results
For The Profile
The council looked at State
Assessment results for the
School Profile.
Iowa Test of Basic Skills
Results For The Profile
Robin distributed, for dis-
cussion at the next meeting,
the Iowa Test of Basic Skills
results over the past S-years
for the School Profile. The staff
will complete the comments
section on these materials for
the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00
Convenience Store
Open 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. 7 days a week
1 will have take out available: chicken, catfish, shrimp
and no salad bar.
Please place your older early.
Lake Wabaunsee
' :ii
RR2 Box 163
Alma, Kansas
Wabaunsee Count
Historical Society
Underground Railroad 5ites
Fall Tour
Sunday, October 27, 2
12:30 p.m.
-- =Tf_~._
Tour features:
Harveyville ,
Harveyville Cemetery
Hodgson Cabin
Henry & Ann Harvey Cabin
Mission Creek • ,'"
Mission Creek Cemetery
Beach Farm- Slave Hideout
Beecher Bible & Rifle Church
Wabaunsee Cemetery
Cpt. William Mitchell Farm
Pavilion "
John & Joshua Smith Farm
James & Hannah Bisby Farm
Enoch Platt Farm
Cost of the tour (which includes an evening meal) is $15.00:
tions required. Reservation deadline is October 23rd.
tions to Wabaunsee County Museum, P.O. Box 387,
66401 or phone 785-765-2200.
The Wabaunsee County Veteran's Day Committee needs your help in honoring our Veterans
again this year in a big way! The Committee would like to publish stories about men and
women's military service on bebalfofour nation in a November edition of the local newspapers.
Veterans, family members, and friends of veterans are encouraged to submit articles about the
lives and accomplishments of veterans to the Veteran's Day Committee, P.O. Box 17 l, Eskridg¢,
Kansas, 66423, on or before October 17, 2002. Please use the form shown below to help tell
your story, and please sign the release allowing us to submit your story to the newspapers for
publication. We will also post these stories in a Veteran's Day Museum on Veteran's Day. If
you have any questions about submitting the articles, please contact Vicky Jones at (785) 449-
7233, Judy Morton (785) 267-4758, George Smith (785) 499-3591
Name Rank
Branch of Service Dates of Service .-I
Where served
Chemical exposure: Mustard gas; Agent Orange; Radiation.__; Other
What did you do? .---I
Combat? Where?
Wounded in Action?
Awards or Medals
Describe what you did during your tour of duty (use additional sheets of paper if needed).
Please include any other information that you would like to share with the public.
The undersigned hereby grants the Wabaunsoe Veteran's Day Committee permission to publish
the above/attached story in local newspapers and to display it at the Veteran's Day Museum on~ '~"
,. 2"~
Veterans' Day.
q;'-"o"'-~,.~,.,,..e Date . =