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Newspaper Archive of
Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
Alma, Kansas
October 3, 2002     Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise
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October 3, 2002
Newspaper Archive of Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise, Thursday, MILDRED LUCILLE STEWART Mildred Lucille Stewart, 89, Wamego, Kansas, died Tues- day, September 24, 2002, at Wamego City Hospital with her daughter by her side. Mildred was born on Octo- ber 15, 1912 in rural Pot- tawatomie County, near Belvue, Kansas, the daughter of Ray N. and Gertrude Schwandt Edwards. She at- tended schools in Westmore- land and Wamego. Mildred married Lyle W. Stewart on June 21, 1930 in Geneva, Nebraska. He pre- ceded her in death on May 30, 1991. Mildred was a homemaker and also owned and operated with her husband, Lyle, the Kaw Valley Produce and Stan- dard Off of Wamego from 1950 until 1972. She worked as a nurse's aid at Valley Vista Good Samaritan Center in Warnego for several years in the 70's. . Mildred was a member of the United Methodist Church of Wamego for over 60 years, the IXII Club (The Industrious Twelve) of Wamego and The "Back Row Ladies" Church Group. She will be remem- bered most for her loving care for her family, always putting them first before her own needs. Mildred was also preceded in death by her son, Lyle E. "Bud" Stewart, on April 4, 2002 and her son-in-law, George A. Yocum, Jr. on Sep- tember 24, 2002. THE WABAUNSEE COUNTY SIGNAL-ENTERPRISE 323 Missouri Alma, Kansas 66401 Phone 785-765-3327 FAX 785-765-3384 Email: Ervan D. Stuewe, Editor Ervan D. & Pamela K. Stuewe Publishers Published every Thursday Periodical postage paid at Alma, Kansas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Signal-Enterprise P.O. Box 158 Alma, KS 66401 ~OLI~S: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Closed noon hour from 12-1 Subscription Prices 1 year sub. in Kansas $27.00 1 year sub. out-ol-slate $29.00 2 year sub. in Kansas $51.00 2 year sub. out-of-stale $53.00 Payable in advance Name and Address She is survived by her daughter, JoAnn Yocum, Kan- sas City Missouri; three grandsons, Chris Stewart and his wife, Cathy, Dwight, Kan- sas, Tony Stewart, Topeka, Kansas and Ron Yocum and his wife, Sue, Alma, Kansas; a granddaughter, Nancy Huff- man and her husband, John, Kahoka, Missouri; eleven great-grandchildren, Ryan and Kelley Huffman, Jenny and Bradley Yocum, Lisa, Jim, Alyson, Justin, David and Samantha Stewart and Amy Saragusa and her husband, Jason. Funeral services for Mrs. Stewart were held on Satur- day, September 28, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. at Stewart Funeral Home of Wamego with Rev. Bill Eisele officiating. Burial followed at Wamego City Cemetery. A family visitation was held at the funeral home on Friday, September 27, 2002, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church Organ Fund or to the Wamego City Library Children's Book Fund. Con- tributions may be left in care of Stewart Funeral Home, P.O. Box 48, Wamego, Kansas 66547. JOHN DOUGLAS "JACK" WILSON John Douglas *Jack~ Wil- son, 74, Manhattan, Kansas, died Sunday, September 29, 2002, at a Manhattan Hospi- tal. He was born October 6, 1927 in St. George, Kansas, the son of James Milton and Alcasta Ann Laughlin Wilson. He spent his early life in St. George, where he attended schools and graduated from St. George High School in 1945. He spent many years in Manhattan, where he worked at the Farmers Co-op and for Tri-County Motors and Skaggs Lincoln-Mercury Agency as a mechanic and in sales. He worked for the Stude- baker and Jeep corporations as a field representative. He established Jack's Body Shop in Manhattan in 1970 and later was manager of Murdock Body Shop. He was a school activity bus driver for Man- hattan Public Schools for more than 13 years. He had offici- ated at football and basketball games and coached Little League baseball. He also was a farmer. He was a member of the Kansas State Victory Club. He married Myrtle May Stuewe on May 25, 1948 in Manhattan. She survives. Other survivors include two sons, Meryl Wilson and Kirk Wilson, both of Manhattan, Kansas; one daughter, Janis Wilson, Manhattan, Kansas; one brother, James M. Wilson Jr., St. George, Kansas; one sister, Eula Mac Herman, Manhattan, Kansas; ten grandchildren; three step grandchildren; and ten great- grandchildren. Services were at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at First Lutheran Church, Manhattan, Kansas. Burial was in Sunrise Cemetery, Manhattar~. Relatives and friends met from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 1, 2002, at Irvin-Parkview Fu- ............................ neral Home in Manhattan. Contributions may be ............................ made to First Lutheran Church in Manhattan or the Jack Wilson Memorial Schol- New Renewal Make checks payable to The Wabaunsee County Signal-Enterprise Your subscription will begin immediately arship Fund at Manhattan High School and sent in care of the funeral home. October 3, 2002 WABAUNSEE COUNTY 4-H'ERS EXCEL AT STATE FAIR cont. from page one Anna Appelhanz, Maple Hill Hustlers 4-H Club - Horse, participant. Cheyenne Barren, Wa- baunsee 4-H Club - Photogra- phy Judging, 7 1st. Shawnee Barron, Wabaun- see 4-H Club - Photography, purple; Photography Judging, 98th. Jenni Braucks, Friendly Farmers 4-H Club - Dog, blue; Photography, blue; Geology, purple. Emily Burgen, Friendly Farmers 4-H Club Foods/Nutrition, purple; Pho- tography, blue. Scotty Cavanaugh, Maple Hill Hustlers 4-H Club - Poul- try, 1 blue and 3 reds. Eric Cox, Wabaunsee 4-H Club Photography, blue; Rocketry, white. Ben Eberwein, Happy Val- ley 4-H Club - Fashion Revue, blue. Christopher Eberwein, Happy Valley 4-H Club Foods/Nutrition, purple; Pho- tography, blue; Geology, blue. Shelby Faulk, Maple Hill Hustlers 4-H Club Foods/Nutrition, purple; Pho- tography, blue. Melissa Ford, Wabaunsee 4-H Club - Photography, red. Steven Foster, Friendly Farmers 4-H Club - Livestock Judging, 161st. Garrick Gehrt, Wabaunsee 4-H Club - Foods/Nutrition, blue. Genna Gehrt, Wabaunsee 4-H Club - Foods/Nutrition, blue. Garen Gideon, Maple Hill Hustlers 4-H Club - Foods/Nutrition, red; Photog- raphy, red. Shanee Gideon, Maple Hill Hustlers 4-H Club Foods/Nutrition, blue; Photog- raphy, blue; Photography Judging, 114th. Afton Gnadt, Wabaunsee 4- H Club - Rabbit, 2 purple and 3 blue. Alex Gnadt, Wabaunsee 4- H Blue - Livestock Judging, 120m. Abby Heigert, Wabaunsee 4-H Club - Foods/Nutrition, purple; Photography, blue. Meggan Heigert, Wabaun- see 4-H Club - Photography, blue; Photography Judging, 33~d. Chad Heine, Wabaunsee 4- H Club - Livestock Judging, 201st. John Henderson, Happy Valley 4-H Club - Horticulture, purple; Foods/Nutrition, pur- ple, Food Preservation, white; Photography, blue. Christopher Kartman, Happy Valley 4-H Club - Flori- culture, blue. Avery Land, Harveyville 4-H Club Photography, purple; Wildlife, purple; Photography Judging, 22nd. Steven Miller, Wabaunsee 4-H Club - Art & Crafts, par- ticipant. Luke Morrill, Happy Valley' 4-H Club - Geology, purple. Pamela Morrill, Happy Valley 4-H Club Clothing, blue; Photography, red. Dominic Rizzo, Maple Hill Hustlers 4-H Club Foods/Nutrition, blue. Rebecca Romine, Friendly Farmers 4-H Club - Clothing, red; Foods/Nutrition, white; Food Preservation, red; Art & Crafts, participant; Photogra- phy, blue; Livestock Judging 205th. Abby Sage, Harveyville 4-H Club - Clothing, purple. Ashley Sage, Harveyville 4- H Club -'Clothing, blue. Jessica Savage, Happy Valley 4-H Club - Photogra- phy, red. Rebecca Short, Newbury 4- H Club Foods/Nutrition, blue; Photography Kody Songs, H Club - Rocketry, ! Blair Farmers 4-H red and 3 white; participant. Morgan Valley 4-H Club phy, blue. Lindsey baunsee 4-H red and 2 while; 4th; Photography, tograph3 Jeanna 4-H Club - Molly 4-H Club - Photography, purple. Orion 4-H Club - SHERIFF'S DEPUTY cont. from page one Howser immediately summoned help, and a Eskridge City Marshall Mark Hawkins, Deputy Deputy Sergeant Ray Fowler, Reserve Deputy Cleave, and several volunteers conducted a area. Two suspects were rounded up Two male suspects from Topeka were men, Andrew D. Harrison, age 19, is being Wabaunsee County Jail. The second suspect, a was transferred to a juvenile center in Topeka. Howser said he expected the arrests to clear unsolved burglaries in the area. He added that arrests are anticipated. =I guess I just got lucky that they were still in the decided to hit another house. After the report drove the area and was fortunate to see their cat the Durkes' home," said Howser. "My dad Whether or a flat tire. He always it covered" Being prepared means different things to families. It can be about peace of mind. KrIc your wishes will be met. And knowing you ease the emotional burden for your family. about knowing the benefits available to yoU. be about knowing the cost of your services covered when the time comes. Compassion and service... More than just words. FUNERAL HOME 224 Missouri Street * Alma * 765-3913 Rob Campanella, Funeral Director /, Come in or call us and we will you design a monument loved one. Midwest Monu: Competitive Prices located at 206Kansas Alma, Kansas 66401 f